She shook her head displeased. "I-... I'm not quite sure." she said conflicted. "She smells... different. Like- not...Human?" The brunette looks back at you, looking over your face. You glance back at her with an unreadable expression, feeling unsure on what their going on about. She leans in to smell your scent and reels back slow, processing your smell in her thoughts. She lets out low, disturbed hum from your strange scent. "Hm. How Odd..." The blonde remarks. You glance over to the blonde, who had been remaining silent behind the other two up until now. She just watched from afar with a small unbothered smirk. Merely observing you. She seemed to give off a very mature aura at first glance. She also seemed as if she was... fascinated with your presence.

You start to shift now under the three's gazes, with you all sitting in a short uncomfortable silence. You start to feel a bit to uncomfortable now, and decide to get up from the big chair. Which you now know as Lady Alcina's chair. The girls watch you get up and moved to a more comfortable spot to face them, standing to the side. You clasp your hands in front of you, looking at them shyly.

"I-... I'm sorry for sitting in the chair..." You say softly. "I didn't know..." You watch the three exchange looks at your soft apology. The brunette crosses her arms and scoffs. She walks over to you with a twisted, annoyed gaze. "You Ought to be Sorry! Mother gets displeased when 'Guests' think they can just do what they Want!" She goes and pokes you shoulder threateningly when she says this. You feel slight pain from the poke, and frown at her gesture. You instantly feel annoyed by this. A fluttering in your stomach begins to erupt and you look straight into her eyes, slightly angered. "Please Don't Do That." you say sternly, without even thinking.

The girls eyes widen at your tone. The brunette then smiles something wicked. She chuckles mockingly, "Ohh~ Does that Bother you, little one?" She pokes your shoulder harder, which makes you feel more irritated. Your frown crinkles more, as you yank your shoulder away from her jabbing index. "Stop That." Your voice was not raised but still sounded almost blood curdling when you spoke. Your eyes were only on the now surprised brunette, as she began to frown at you irritated.

"How dare you, Tell Me!" she scowled, balling her fists. The blonde goes to place a hand on her shoulder. "Cass? Calm yourself. Take a Breath-" she began to say but had her hand swatted away. Some flies, that were holding the brunette together, started buzzing around her irritatingly. "Shut Up, Bela!" she snapped with a quick glance at her. She turned back to you, moving close to your frowning sneer. You didn't even move when she stepped closer. You could feel an temper rise in the pit of your abnoman. A fluttering of a moth was felt on the top of your balled fist, though the girls hadn't noticed it yet.

The brunette sneered her nose down at you holding your ground. "This little Twerp needs to be taught a Lesson!!" She goes to shove you at your shoulders, but to her surprise almost falls forward into a fazed green cloud of fluffy insects. You feel yourself burst into your many green moths, fluttering up and around the dining room. Near another exit door, you land next to it, forming back again. You look up at the three girls, who are now all frazzled at what you just did. The brunette swings around, all turned about with anger. She looks over to you and growls. The blonde and ginger stare at you with both confusion and shock, unable to speak words.

You stare at the three, feeling a kind of adrenaline coursing through you. You felt a bit conflicted and scared at their surprise. "What the HELL?!" You look back at the brunette, who now looks furious. A small fear is now filling you. She starts to pull out something sharp and curved, gripping it tight with anticipation. Oh No...

You jump a bit when you hear the door you first came in from open. The other two girl turn to it opening and watch as the tall mistress slowly enter the room. The Lady stands up from bending through and now observes the commotion that is happening in the room. She sees you on the farside looking as if your ready to run. Which you very much are. Her brows cross with instant concern. "Girls? What is going-!" She's intruped by an irritated grunt. The brunette's flies lift her from the ground, your attention now fully on her. "You Want to Play Tricks? Then I'll Show You TRICKS! You Little BRAT!!" She lunged towards you, making you burst into moths once more, and bursting through the other exit door.

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