Kawaii~Chan grabs the items and walks out of the store and places the pizzas onto the passenger seat, then got into her car and drove back to Zane's place. Once there, she grabbed the items, locked the car behind her as she places the spare key into the door handle. She opened the door and sees Zane and Aphmau. Zane was groaning and trying to get Aphmau's phone out of her hands. KC giggled at the sight and walked in, closing the door behind her.

KC: Brought the Pizzas!

Aphmau: Ooo! Thank you KC!

Zane: Yeah whatever. Where's my wallet?

KC: Ugh, here.

Zane: Alright, well you can go home now, KC.

KC: But K-

Aphmau: Zane! That's enough! She's had a rough day already. Let her sit down and enjoy the pizza with us. Please?

Zane: ...Okay fine. Just for you, Aph.

Aphmau: Yay! KC! Come, join us!

Kawaii~Chan weakly smiled and sat down next to Zane and Aphmau. Zane rolled his eyes and went to grab plated for all of them. Once he grabbed them, he walked back to Aph and KC, placing the plates in front of them. They grabbed a plate, opening the pizza box and started to dig in.


As they all finished up the Pizzas and Mountain Dew, Aphmau looked at the time in her phone and gasped.

Aphmau: I'm so sorry I lost track of time! I gotta go! Zane, can you drop me off?

Zane: Sure.

Aphmau: Kawaii~Chan, you should go too!

KC: K-Kawaii~Chan will! Let her clean up first!

Zane: I'll help, give me a minute though.

Aphmau: O-Okay! Well, I'll go walk to your car, okay Zane?

Zane: Alright. I'll see ya there, Aph.

Aphmau: It was good seeing you Kawaii~Chan! We gotta hang out some more, alright?

KC: Hehe, alright! Bye Aphmau~Senpai!

Aphmau: Bye!

As Aphmau gets out the door, Zane turns his attention to Kawaii~Chan. He sits down at the couch and Kawaii~Chan looks at him as she places the empty plates into the sink.

Zane: Well I'm gonna go drop off Aphmau to her house. You gonna be okay alone here?

KC: Huh..? Why do you ask?

Zane: cause of the promise..?

KC: ...

Zane: You okay?

KC: H-huh?? Y-Yeah, Kawaii~Chan is fine. Uhm, do you mind if Kawaii~Chan tags along?

Zane: I mean if it'll make you uncomfortable, then stay here.

KC: Kawaii~Chan will go! Jeez..

Zane: Alright, let's go.

KC: okay.

Zane and Kawaii~Chan left the house and walked towards Zane's car. Surprisingly, the car was new and looked pretty pricy. Zane unlocked the car and the three of them hopped into it. As they settled in, Aphmau started up conversation.

Aphmau: So why's Kawaii~Chan coming with? She has he own car.

Zane: then I'll strand her.

Aphmau: Zane!

Zane: I'm kidding! Jeez...no she's still on the clock. As I said, she has to do my bidding for exactly 24 hours. Which is a whole day. So yeah no. She's not getting out too easily.

Aphmau: oh, alright. Just don't be too harsh on her, okay?

Zane: ..okay.

Once they got to Aphmau's place, we waved goodbye and drove back home. Kawaii~Chan felt tired after all that time, and fell asleep in the car. As Zane pulled into the house, he looked at the backseat and notices Kawaii~Chan peacefully sleeping. She smiled and purred as she slept. Zane smiled and got out of the car, then opened the backseat door. He picked her up and closed the car's door behind him, then locked the car.

He opened the house's door and walked in, placing her onto her bed. Zane placed the blanket over her then fixed her hair so it doesn't get in her face, and smiled. Zane grabs the bag Kawaii~Chan came home to and looks what's inside. He sees the Curtain and the Curtain Rod, then picks them up. Zane looks at the window and decides to place the curtain and curtain Rod, so she wouldn't have to. Once he finished, he took a heavy sigh and looked back at her. She still slept peacefully on her bed.

Zane walked up to her and placed a hand on her soft rosy cheek, and kissed her forehead. He smiles and walks towards the door and looks back at her before he left completely.

Zane: Sleep well, Kawaii~Chan.

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