Chapter One | Reunited

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At last the time came for the straw hats to reunited at Saboady. Luffy takes his straw hat off of the rock. "Its been tow years huh, I can't wait to see everyone" Luffy though to himself as he got ready to leave. Meanwhile, "Lets go Haredas I haven't gotten see everyone in so long I can't wait" Nami thought to herself. Eventually all the straw hats got to Saboady. "Be careful Luffy, make sure to stay hidden and will you mar-" "Bye Hancock, I'll be fine" Luffy says before she gets to finish her statement. Luffy started heading in to town getting ready to meet up with his nakama.

*A few minutes later*

"Oi Luffy" he hears from a distance. Luffy gets excited when he sees them, "Zoro, Sanji!" "You're the last one" Zoro says. "Lets hurry to the ship the marines are here!" Sanji yells. As Luffy heard this he realized he'd finally get to see her after all this time as they all started running to the ship. "Oiiiii" Luffy yells as everyone comes into view finally getting to lock eyes with Nami."Luffy!" Nami can't hold her happiness and almost jumps off the ship to see him but Luffy stretches to the ship hugging her and almost tackling her. Sanji and Zoro finally make it to the ship and Sanji notices the change in atmosphere around them. "Dam it that should be me" he thought as he looked at Luffy hugging Nami but then they both realized they're about to be surrounded and get back into focus until Robin points outs, "That's the Kuja Pirates ship." "Oh its Hancock and them, they came to help." Everyone surprised about him knowing a warlord but not to worried. "Its just like him to befriend a Shichibukai" Zoro says while laughing and everyone agreeing. But for Nami other thoughts flowed through her head. "Luffy knows the Pirate empress, the woman renowned worldwide for her beauty." Nami didn't wanna admit it but she was jealous. "Nami." "Nami!" Nami confused realized she had spaced out and she prepare along with everyone else to get prepared to go under the water with the coating. The straw hats manage to go under the sea without any problems and now they just have to wait to get to fishman island they have a long trip ahead of them.

*A few minutes later*

Since they had a long trip ahead of them all the straw hats decide to do something different. Chopper, Usopp and Luffy were playing around, Sanji was preparing food for lunch, Robin was reading, and Zoro was sleeping as they were all doing there own things Luffy noticed how Nami wasn't doing anything and seemed to be in a bad mood. "Oi Nami you seen a bit off today" Luffy said. This snapped Nami out her thoughts surprised that her oblivious captain of all people noticed she was in a bad mood but they thought that Luffy thought of her made her heart beat a little faster but she still didn't feel right. Knowing Luffy had no intention of moving unless she speaks about what's on her mind Nami speaks about what's bothering her. "What is your relationship with Hancock she asked." "She's my friend" Luffy says, "But she's the pirate empress and the most beautiful women and she's strong" Nami says. "I don't care about that she's still only my friend I don't feel for her what I feel for you" Luffy says making Nami's heart skip a beat. "Arigato Luffy" Nami says leaving Luffy confused as Nami heads to her room to lay down. Luffy also heads to his room to think about what just happen processing his thoughts not realizing he had a slight blush on his face. "Hmmmmmmmmm." "Why did Nami thank me, and why do I feel relieved about it. This feeling I have is weird." Luffy thought to himself while thinking about the encounter not too long ago. "Luffy." "Luffy." "Luffy!" The raven haired boy looks up as he notices Zoro standing above him. "Are you ok Luffy? Its kinda strange that you're not at the table first when Sanji called for Lunch". "Eyyyyy, Lunch is ready?!" Luffy says as he rushes out to the kitchen. "I guess he fines then." Zoro says to himself while laughing. Eventually he and Luffy both get to the kitchen and as usually Luffy scarfs down his food while trying to steal food from Usopp and Chopper. Luffy finishes his food and strangely enough stops trying to steal Usopp and Chopper's food. "Luffy?" Usopp said confused as to why he stopped trying to steal their food all of a sudden. The entire crew looked at Luffy worried as he stared outside at the ocean. "Luffy are you o-" Then Luffy suddenly leaves the room before Nami could ask if he was ok. Nami also gets up and leaves to go after Luffy. "We shoul-", Zoro interrupts Usopp before he suggest to help. "I'm sure Luffy will be fine. How many times have we seen him make it past struggles. Its best not to pry at what he's thinking" Zoro says even though he's worried about his captain as well. Meanwhile Nami sees the raven haired boy looking out at the ocean from the deck. "I know Ace wouldn't have wanted me to be sad and cry over his death but I truly miss him" Luffy says as he turns around crying but still trying to smile still. Finally Nami breaks down trying to comforting Luffy. "I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me most Luffy." Nami says while holding Luffy's head to her chest. "I don't know why but I feel like I can show you all of me" Luffy thought to himself while laying in Nami's chest.

"Nami" "Nami!". Nami wakes up too see she's in her and Robin's room. She notices something feels different and then she realizes as she looks down. She was holding Luffy to her chest, but then she remembered why she was holding him as she realized what happen not too long ago. Nami starts getting flustered and freaking out as she recalls what happened.

*Flashback to Earlier*

"Nami I'll be fi-" "No, stop you don't have to put on a brave face in front of me" Luffy nods in silence to her words. Nami then gets up holding Luffy as Luffy holds on to her as well they head to the girls quarters. Nami lays in bed holding Luffy tight to comfort. Luffy beins to fall asleep on Nami as she holds him. "I'm such an idiot" Nami thinks to herself while looking at Luffy. "I thought that he was fine because he was just a cheery, naïve, and goofy as he used to be, but he's really hurting on the inside because of Ace's death. I was worried about something so meaningless when I should have been comforting my... Nami's thoughts stop for a minute she didn't no why but what she was about to think didn't feel right. "Friend" she said quietly to herself. As the word came out of her mouth she felt a chill go down her body. " I must've have really missed my friend" she thought to herself. As she thought that, she had felt strange. Even though she was under a warm blanket she felt cold everywhere else except where her raven haired captain was laying. She held Luffy closer to her chest and that chill she had started to wither away and feeling this warmth she finally feels she can fall asleep. "This feels really nice but I don't know why." she thinks as she fades into unconsciousness.

*Back to Present*

Nami finally calms herself down after organizing her own thoughts. She tries to get out of her bed but her raven haired captain is laying on her chest and she doesn't want to disturb his sleep. Unbeknownst to her she woke Luffy up when she was flustered recalling everything that had happen. Nami feels his head lifting from her chest. Luffy raises his head and looks Nami in the eyes then starts to get out of bed. Nami worried about her captain's quietness was getting ready to ask a question before Luffy interrupted her thought. "Shishishi I slept great Nami" Luffy says then heading outside. Nami is left confused but just accepts that her captain has gone back to his normal self and thought nothing of it. Nami also got out of the bed and got dressed since they were going to be entering Fishman island soon. Nami steps out of the girls quarters and sees everyone doing what their usually doing. Usopp and Chopper playing around, Sanji fixing Robin a drink while she reads, Zoro napping, Brook playing music, and Franky is presumably working on something in the ship. But then surprisingly she sees Luffy laying down with his straw hat over his face. Curious she approaches Luffy to see if he's asleep again. But then Luffy suddenly moves his hat off his face when he hears Nami approaching him. Nami sits next him and also lays down. Luffy looks at her and remembers what happen not to long ago. As Nami lays down and looks out at the ocean while sitting in comfortable silence, and then all of sudden Luffy breaks that silence saying "Arigato Nami" in a soft tone. Nami is shocked as to why her captain said such a thing but before she could speak she was cut off by Luffy saying "I meant what I said a slept better with you to help comfort me. It's been hard to sleep because I've been having nightmares of Ace being killed right in front of me, but for the first time in a while I slept peacefully. So I just wanted to say Arigato Nami." After hearing Luffy speak in a soft yet serious tone and hearing how he's suffered shewanted to give him a hug but then he got up and walked towards Usopp and Chopper and started playing with them. She knew he was suffering but had to put on a brave face for all of them, so she just let him be although she kept the thought to herself.

Luffy😭🤧, Thanks for reading this chapter guys. I'm sorry it was so short, Longer chapters coming on the way, Mainly after Dressrosa though🤫. Well anyways guys thank you for reading my trash fanfic it is my first time so let me know what you want me to add or improve and tell me how you like in the comments. New chapter soon hopefully😅👋

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