Chapter 13 Hospital

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So I know I said there will be no Alberto POV, but that was a lie I will include some POV's. That was all ENJOY. HI YALL IM BACK I AM STARTING TO WRITE AGIN SO ENJOY.

Alberto's POV
I was tearing up in my room when Giulia's Dad burst in like if Giulia died. "W-we have to go!" "O-ok." Me and Giulia's Dad headed to a hospital I was starting to get worried now. When we got in there we ran into a room and I wanted to cry my head off. Luca and Giulia were in hospital beds and Luca was missing an arm, and Giulia had no foot. My throat felt like it was closing I couldn't breathe, tears started to form. I ran to Luca and he had scars and bruises everywhere on his body. I looked at Giulia and she also had scars and bruises everywhere. Giulia's Dad ran to her and I could tell he wanted to cry so badly but he held it back.

(Remake) My one and only Luca (Luca x Alberto)Where stories live. Discover now