09 : New Encounter

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The individual tried to call the cops but he eventually ceased when you showed your contract and the keys the householder gave you.
At first he thought it was a fraud but then he verified and it turns out, you were right

"There must be something wrong. Why would they give 2 people the same villa" questioned the guy

You stood there in silence

You really thought this time you would win the lottery. "Fool me" you thought

"So I guess you are going to leave right?" supposed the person

"Sorry what?"  you asked in disbelief

"You heard me. I will ask my manager to send you to a new place immediately" he claimed looking at you with a serious expression

"If you think ; I am leaving, you are wrong" you said irritated

"If you want to live with a stranger in your household then go ahead" he smirked

"Not my responsability if anything happens, you know right?" he tried to provoke you

"Revolting." you claimed disgusted

Saying that he took off with his car

Pov Yeonjun

"Father tell me what's with the girl inside my villa?" I asked annoyed

"Sorry I shouldve told you. Its just too funny ahhahahahahahha" wheezed father

"Father I don't want to live with a stranger" I was serious

"Yeonjun you need to get married, you cant die single, got that?" He talked with a concerned voice

"Not again" I was frustrated

"Yeonjun stop complaining and making me worried" sighed father

"fine...I guess" I said hopeless

He is trying so hard. I know that I am already in my thirties but love isnt that easy.
What is Love anyways?
I think I am just a loser without any lover

"Oh by the way, the girl is really nice, treat her well" he claimed

"Father isn't that a little too mu-" i got cut off by

"Listen to me boy, I will always do the best for you. Don't you worry, she is a really good person" said father and I could sense his cringy smile over the phone

I couldnt even reply before he ended a call with

"I'll be coming over to meet both of you next week, better act as if you know nothing."

"Sure, father." I said one more time before cutting off the call

It will be a real deal Choi Yeonjun. Get your shit together

Y/N Pov

What do I do?

I can't depart, I need to see Junseok...
I moved out here mostly because of him.
And the rent is too expensive

I won't move out no matter what.

My stomach started growling, I knew whats up so, I went to the kitchen

Mhm so I will start with cooking lunch and then I'll go with the chores

I made some Knödel, a german serve made with bread and cheese.
It is also optional, there is a spinach version too.

I also made some salad and rice with meat

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I also made some salad and rice with meat. In case the boy comebacks.

A few minutes after eating I went to cleanse all the rooms. I was taken aback from going into a strangers room so I did the main places including my room and the guest room

I went to clean the shower and I accidentally turned on the hot water which burned my sensitive skin. Wow Y/N life goes on.
I bit my lip from the pain.
Right after I quickly closed the water and went to dry my arm.

Today was a though day, I'll go take a nap.
After I took a shower my body wanted sleep so I put myself in bed in board daylight

After 22 hours

"Yawn, that was some good sleep" I rumbled in a low voice

I thought I should eat some snacks and watch some kdrama before going to bed again.

Sometimes I get lazy to go the kitchen so, instead I just eat the snacks I hide under my bed. It's unhealthy but who cares.

Pov Yeonjun

"Damn I am so hungry"

"I hope she left some left over for me"

I opened the fridge to see so much delizia.
Was I blessed? Dang, that looked good

And it got even better after I took a bite into it, I was munching the food with a bright smile covering my face.
Beside devouring the food, the house looked so much cleaner. Mhm it's not bad having someone to take care of me after all

"I will try to be more nice"

After I finished eating I went into my room, as expected it was a mess.
I cleaned up all the papers and turned off the ac since it was freezing.

I went up to my computer and started going through some old pictures.

There was a picture where I was holding honey

my late beetle

The second picture was me and taehyun, damn this picture is from our trainee days. We really watched the history of Hybe growing.

At the end of the pictures, there was a file

It said "To my dear Healing"

I was shocked, since when had I a file named like this?

At that right moment I thought.

"Why do the people that you always love the most, leave? "

To be continued...


I am so happy ^_^ my story has been viewed many times and even liked. Even if it looks little, it means a lot to me! Sorry If I keep udpating rarely but sometimes I lose motivation, now that people asked me to update I got the motivation back and have already written 3 chapters which will be released within this week.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

- 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐂 - Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now