Chapter 1: Bat

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"Shit, shit, shit," Bartholomew whispered to himself as he saw the picture that was spread around Instagram. Somehow, his bully, Evan, had gotten a picture of them kissing another boy. Bartholomew, who went by Bat, just hoped his parents wouldn't find out. Bat's adoptive parents were extremely Christian, and even more homophobic. They knew he would be sent away if they ever found out.

"Bat? What the hell happened?" Bat's sister said as she came into his room. "Why would Evan post this?"

"How the fuck should I know Elizabeth?" He snapped. Elizabeth, or Eli as she goes by to her friends, put her hands up and backed away.

"Chill, it's not like people didn't know you were gay," she said defensively.

"I'm not gay," Bat grumbled. He preferred not to label himself. Eli rolled her eyes.

"It's not the kids I'm worried about," he whispered. "It's mom and dad. They'll kill me if they find out I like boys. Like actually kill me,"

"I know Bat, I won't tell them," Eli whispered back.

"Elizabeth, Bartholomew, time for dinner!" Their mother called from downstairs.

"Don't let them see that picture," Bat said to Eli, pointing his finger at her. She nodded and they both walked downstairs.

"I really hate your hair," Bat's dad grumbled at them. They had dyed their hair dark green and his parents were very upset about it.

"I know dad, you've told me a bajillion times," Bat rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me boy!" His dad said, standing up at the dinner table. His mom cut in, "Elijah, time for dinner." His dad sat down and took a deep breath. His mom set the lasagna on the table and they began to eat.

"How was school today?" Their mom asked.

"It was fine," Bat said nervously. "Uneventful." Eli made a face at him.

"Yeah, nothing happened," she said. Their mother shook their head and began talking about work. She was a physical therapist who did homecare.

"My patient was so difficult today," she started. "He would not stop talking about his gay daughter and how proud he is of her. I mean, doesn't he know it's a sin?"

"He's been brainwashed by the left," their father said. "Thinks the whole LGBMNOP thing is "normal '', '' he made quotes with his hands. Bat's heart began to beat faster. He went to take a sip of his water but spilled it, due to his shaky hands.

"Are you ok Bartholomew?" his father asked. Bat nodded.

"Slipped," he said quietly. His father nodded.

After dinner Bat went up to his room and laid down on his bed. He took a deep breath and took out his phone. But before he could open it, he heard his father screaming his name.

"BARTHOLOMEW!" He called angrily. "BARTHOLOMEW, GET YOUR ASS IN HERE," he seethed.

"SHIT," Bat whispered. He slowly walked to Eli's room, where his parents were standing, holding her phone.

"Mind telling us what the hell this is?" His mom said in a deep, angry voice. Bat panicked.

"I- I just-" he whispered.

"Well?!" his father said. "This is you right?" Bat didn't move.

"ANSWER ME," his dad yelled.

"Yes," Bat said quietly. His dad laughs menacingly.

"My son," His voice quickly changed. "MY SON, A QUEER," he screamed. Bat was shaking.

"YOU FAGGOT!" He slapped Bat across the face. Bat could hear his mom and sister gasp as his dad hit him in slow motion. He felt tears well up in his eyes and stream down his face.

"STOP CRYING YOU PUSSY!" he screamed and stormed out of the room.

"Elijah!" his mom called after him. "Elijah stop, we can fix him!' She ran after him into their room. Bat sat down and put his head in his hands.

"Bat-" Eli said quietly walking towards him. Bat stood up quickly.

"How could you?" He sobbed. "You knew what would happen, how could you be so stupid?"

I'm sorry-" she whispered, reaching for his hand.

"Don't fucking touch me," he said angrily and stormed out of the room. He got to his bed, sat down and began to sob. He didn't know how Eli could've shown them the photo. He hated Evan, he hated Eli, and mostly, he hated his dad. That night, he cried himself to sleep

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