House Arrest, Part 2

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Summary: Over the course of your first week under Ethan's protection, your 'relationship' takes an interesting turn...

Warnings: Mild swearing, some serious romantic tension y'all, buckle up!

A/N: Here's part two to House Arrest! I'm definitely doing a Part Three. I have an end in mind to this strand of stories but I keep throwing in more moments I never planned so it's getting long. Hopefully I don't go past four parts. I think this book is one of my most viewed so let's try and get it to 1K! I have a Top Gun Special planned for 1K reads...can't wait to share it with you all...

Words: 2723


Ever the gentleman, Ethan offered to crash on the couch. You told him he didn't have to, and that there was a guest bedroom just across the hall from yours that he was welcome to stay in. It wasn't until the first morning that you found him on the couch, out cold, even though he'd moved his bags into the guest room. Part of you was upset, wanting him to be comfortable during his stay. Your dad told you to give him Hell but just a bit. Kicking him out into the living room for the night sounded like a lot more Hell than intended. But he's the one who chose to sleep out here. I didn't kick him out.

Regardless, you reminded Ethan he could stay in the guest room.

"It's alright," He said. "It's easier for me to stay alert and guard the house when I'm out here."

Right then and there, you knew you liked this guy.

If you hadn't liked him when you first set eyes on him, you sure did now. He wants to protect you? Choosing your safety over his own sleep and comfort? A gentleman indeed. For that, you decide to make him a butt load of cupcakes, which he definitely is grateful for.

The first three days are surprisingly normal.

You make food each meal, sitting with Ethan, casually getting to know one another while you eat. Most of the day, you do what you usually do, which is basically chores and lounging about. Sometimes you work out a bit, but never when Ethan's around. The first time you work out since he's arrived, is in the afternoon on day two. Ethan stayed up all night. You found him making coffee at seven in the morning, wide awake, but clearly exhausted. What an idiot, you thought, scrutinizing the circles under his green eyes, dulled from lack of sleep. You knew that once his coffee wore off, he was gonna crash.

And so he did.

On the couch.

Where you threw a blanket over him and let him catch up on his much needed rest while you snuck into the gym and started working out. You did some stretches and mobility to warm up, listening to your workout track on headphones, and then you set up a punching bag. It'd been a while since you ran through your martial arts moves. Now seemed like a good time as ever.

So, you raised a fist and struck at the bag, jolting it. But you didn't stop there. In the frame of thirty seconds, you'd moved through an entire string of attacks. Assaulting the bag viciously with kicks and punches. The music blasting into your ears spurred you on. The more effort you put into your fighting, the deeper into the moment you got until you'd lost yourself in the rhythm of your attacks and the beat of the music. You couldn't even hear your own breathing anymore. Caught up in the heat of the moment, you were completely unaware of the person who slipped silently into the gym, watching you from one of the benches.

You shifted back, raising a leg to kick, when you saw something move. The flash startled you. Whatever balance you had tipped and you flailed your arms out as you fell backwards. Something moved in your peripheral. Someone grabbed you, catching you before you hit the mats. It was a kind gesture, but you were way too hooked on the adrenaline of fighting. The contact pulled a trigger, launching you into the real attack mode. You reach back, grabbing the shoulders of the person upholding you. Using the momentum of your broken fall, you roll forward, landing in a squat. The person's body goes flying over your head and he lands on his back.

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