"You're Adorable When You're Tired"

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Summary: You're Luther's daughter and you want to join the IMF and meet the famous Ethan Hunt. What'll happen when you get the chance?

Warnings: Fluffy kissing, nothing terrible! Just floof.

A/N: WOOOO 100 READS! I can't believe my works are getting all these reads so fast! Thanks readers! Also I'm officially open to requests! Here's a fun, fluffy One-Shot to celebrate 100 reads with you! I hope we can get hundreds more reads, do you accept this mission? *que answer (say yes!)* this message with self destruct in 5 seconds...ok i'm done being cheesy. (y/c/e) is (your color eyes) and (Y/N/N) is (your nickname). Onto the One-Shot!

Words: 2461


Checking your phone for the tenth time that night, you see that it's going on 11:20 and Ethan is still not home yet. You let out a half groan, half sigh and slump back against the couch cushions. The house is so terribly quiet when it's just you. You rarely have friends over, you tend to prefer low key activities like binging movies, playing games, writing or reading. The most intense thing you do is belt music in the empty house while doing chores. Without Ethan there to come up behind you and scare you with a sudden kiss or pull you into working out with him as he prepares for another mission, life is uneventful and bleak.

But that's how it has to be.

Ethan is an Agent, something you recently learned after he finally came home bloodied up and was forced to explain. To say you were surprised would've been a lie, because a suspicious corner of your hyper-imaginative mind had always speculated that he could've been a spy of some sort. Seriously though! One look at your fiance and it was obvious. Ethan was strong. Everytime he takes his shirt off and you see the muscles you do a double take. Not only is he physically capable of espionage, he's quick witted, perfect at thinking on the spot. He moves fast and with precision. Also, you've seen his weapons a few times. When you asked about them before he told you his job, he lied.

Said something about them being his father's.

Well, you saw through the lie.

But you trusted Ethan enough to wait for the truth.

So when it came to you in a bloody, scratched pulp on your doorstep at midnight half a year ago?

You believed it.

Today's mission came early. Too early. You think back to it again as your eyes flicker to the clock on your phone. 11: 25. It'd been 6 o'clock when someone knocked on the door. You and Ethan were asleep, arms around each other, heads on the same pillow, and Ethan, being the lazy not-morning person he is, simply ignored the pounding on your front door. You however climbed out of bed, threw on the leather jacket you kept telling Ethan to pick up that he'd left on the couch, and went to see who could be bothering you so early. When you opened the door, you didn't recognize the man, but you knew as soon as he held an unidentified package out to you without needing a signature, that this was for Ethan.

From the IMF.

And the next hour went by in a practiced blur. Ethan woke up, watched the tape, filled you in with as little info as possible, and hurried to get to work.

He left you...

Even if it was only for a few hours.

He said soon, You reflect. "I'll be back soon." How is midnight soon?

It's not. Especially if you consider the fact that he left in the morning.

You're about to reach for you phone again when suddenly, you hear something slide into the lock on your front doors. Out of habit, you tense up, quickly assessing the situation. If this is an enemy, you can easily hide and take up a fighting stance, take them out quickly. But wait...would an enemy have a key?

𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 - Tom Cruise + Characters One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now