I've been friends with her for a week and don't wanna drag her into this mess. I don't know how Rafe would react either, he's d̶a̶n̶g̶e̶r̶o̶u̶s̶ unpredictable. 

Savannah finds his actions rather strange, and she doesn't even know the other half of it. That should be my sign to listen. I'm supposed to be grateful he's finally leaving me be. Staying away from him is the easy part that I wanted since the start, so why do I feel so bothered? Maybe I can't let it go, because it feels as though he's discarding me like trash? 

They say curiosity killed the cat, but don't cats have nine lives? I need to get to the bottom of this mystery of a man, because my nosey self won't let this go. 

He said he's been helping his father, which means he's been lying to everyone and his father is still alive. How do you fake being blown up? The more I sit here and ponder over everything Rafe told me before in the hotel, the more I realise how hectic Rafe and Kiara's life is right now. 

I'm an awful friend and an even worse cousin. Kiara's and her friends are still missing and I wasn't even worried about them. I mean, they could have been murdered by Rafe's dad and I'm over here worrying about why Rafe won't see me. 

Wait... Maybe that's exactly why he cut me from his life. He said he was helping his dad. What if he's been helping his dad cover the murder of Kiara, Jj, Pope, John B and Sarah? What if he got rid of me so I wouldn't catch onto them. 

A wave of nausea hits me life a tsunami. I slap my hand over my mouth to keep myself from vomiting at the idea. 

"Oh come on, the food isn't that bad." Savannah muses, eyeing me. "You okay?"

I push all my little conspiracy theories to the back of my mind, because that's all they are. Kiara and her crew are fine. Ward didn't kill them. Ward is dead and Rafe was trying to make an excuse, but got caught in his own lie. Rafe probably isn't hanging out with me, because he made a move at the beach and got turned down. He was rejected, and like every other male species, he acted up because of it. Sorry dude, get over it. Not every girl wants to hop on your magic stick at the opportunity. 

"Perfect." I lie right through my teeth, "Just gagging at the memory of that Logan kid."

That brings a giggle out of her. 

"Oh my, I forgot about him!" She exclaims, "He really was creepy, wasn't he?" 

I nod, taking the last bite of my macaroni. 

My mind still races back to Sunday. Rafe said he was "helping" his dad. Could it be, he let a secret out and his father actually is alive. I keep trying to deny the possibility, but what if? I'll never know unless a see him for myself. 

Guess you can call me agent Lia, because I'm going on a mission. 


"Yeah, I'll call you back when I get home. I would really appreciate the help with Spanish. He piled us up with so much homework today and I'm beyond screwed." I whine over the phone to Savannah. 

"You know, maybe I'll just stop by and help you out in person. Just send me your address and I'll be over as soon as I can."

"Yes, I'd love that. I'm texting you the address right now." I sigh, shooting her the message while the stoplight is still red. Someone honks behind me and I look up at the green light. Oops. 

"I wanted to talk to you about Mr. Louis anyway. I had a crazy dream last night involving him spanking my over his desk with a ruler. It doesn't end there tho-" I interrupt her before she can inform me any more.

"Ew! I don't wanna hear about your perverted dreams with Mr. Louis. He's my teacher too! I don't want to go to his class everyday and imagine your dirty scenarios with him. It's bad enough I can't look at him in the eyes anymore."

"I'll save the details for later then." She jokes. I hope... "Okay, I'll let you go before you crash. See you later babes."

I laugh, "Okay, bye love!"

A hang up and throw my phone over to the passenger seat. The drive home is quite refreshing. I have my window down and the cold wind beats my face. My hair is in a bun to avoid getting any knots. That's one of the most annoying parts to having long hair. 

Turning onto my road, I breathe out a sigh of relief. I'm almost home to my comfy bed. Today's classes felt excruciatingly long and I could really use a nap right now before Savannah arrives.

I'm about to pull into my driveway, but there's a white car parked in my spot. Even worse, there's a man leaning against it, with his arms crossed over his chest and watching me. 

I furrow my brows trying to get a better look. He's wearing sunglasses and I don't recognize him. At least not from where I'm sitting. I put my car in park, mostly out of the road and saunter over to him. 

"Hi, can I help you?" I inquire, a little on edge.

He smiles down at me, lifting his sunglasses and revealing a black eye. 

"I was actually here to help you."

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