~unspoken words~

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it had been 4 weeks since rafe and I's last encounter. 

as much as I hate how he made me feel that day I can't help but feel guilty. firstly I felt bad because I feel that I should've talked to him about it and told him that I knew about it, and secondly because I'm carrying his baby and he doesn't even know.

Sarah has been staying with me most days but obviously she had gone to toppers a couple times  to see him and catch up and do couple stuff.

sometimes I drive past the Cameron residence to see if rafe is there with the blonde. luckily I haven't seen the girl but I have seen him working out and doing yard work a couple times.

today I had to face my fears though. the Cameron's had invited my family to the country club for dinner. I believe that it was to talk about business or even mine and rafes wedding.

it was an understatement to say that I wasn't nervous. I was terrified.

I got dressed in a nice green, velvet, mid-length dress. it was tight fitting and dare I say that it suited me. I put soft curls through my dark brown hair and emphasised my look with a bight red lip.

I was meeting my parents there because they had been at work in town all day and wouldn't have enough time to come home.

I grabbed my black Louis Vuitton handbag and walked out the door locking it behind me. I jumped in my new car that I had just gotten two days ago. I have been saving up for this car for years and I finally got it. it was a white Range Rover. 

I jumped into the car and pressed the start button. I love this car its perfect. it has so much space and is perfect for when the baby will be born.

it only takes 5 minutes to get to the country club so it wasn't  long ride. when I got there I could see the Cameron's already there. 

I climbed out of the car and saw my parents walking into the county club. I walked a little faster so I wasn't that' late' compared to my parents.

I walked up the stairs and the waitress took me over to the table.

"ah Emmy darling your here" my dad called when he saw me.

" yes late as always" my mother chirped in.

I just smiled as I reached the table.i was used to my parents being particular about certain things.

"Jesus Emmy , you have packed on a couple of pounds while we've been gone" my mother said referring to my stomach.

I couldn't believe that she just said that.

" I'm sorry mother. Barbados just treated me well I guess " I replied without emotion.

" now Emmy stop wasting time and go sit with your fiancé" my dad smiled while gesturing  to the only free seat on the table.

I let out a breath and walked toward the chair. rafe quickly got up and pulled out the chair for me. I smiled sweetly at his gesture even though I didn't mean it.

everyone started to converse about various subjects.

I felt a ping go off on my phone. I slowly pulled my phone out and looked at what the message was.

"hey em, I would've saved you the seat next to me but our parents insisted that you two sit together. I hope you and the other ones ok and I'll see you later" Sarah had written.

I looked over to Sarah and mouthed"its ok". she just smiled.

"so rafe ,Emmy" my dad called.

we turned our heads to look at him.

"have you done any planning about the wedding yet" I looked at rafe not wanting to disappoint my dad.

I grabbed rafes arm and smiled."yea yea we did a bit of planning in Barbados."

ward and my dad looked at each other and smiled.

"so tell us the details" ward asked intrigued.

"well we were thinking instead of having it in the church we could go down to the beach and have it there and I think rafe said something about a mint theme did you say" I said as questioned him.

"uh yea I just think that mint would be nice" he said unsure of what to say.

"well that's just lovely. jeez rafe you've got better ideas then my daughter"my mother said.

it hurt when she would say things like that. I've always tried my best to please them but its never been enough.

the night went really slow as all I did was sit quietly and listen to my parents conversation.

it was getting late so I decided to head off plus I wasn't feeling very well.i stood up from the table  and grabbed my stuff.

"well as much as id like to stay and chat , I don't feel very well plus its getting late so I'm going to head off"I said as I walked down to were my parents are.

"goodbye mother and father I hope you guys have a lovely business trip to Australia"I said and gave them a kiss on the cheek.

everyone had said their goodbyes and I started to walk off. I reached down into my purse to get my keys out when I bumped into someone and I dropped my bag and all of its contents fell out.

I looked up to see rafe walking back from where ever he had come from.

"oh Emmy ,I-i'm so sorry" he said before dropping down to grab the stuff from my bag to put it away.

I just turned around and put my hands on my head as this night was just getting worse and worse.

"uh Emmy , what's this" I heard rafe say.

I turned around to see him hold the ultrasound photo of my baby. I quickly grabbed it off him and my purse and shoved it back in.

"its nothing" I said trying to act normal.

rafe brought his eyes from mine down to my stomach and looked back up at me.

"is it mine" he asked in shock.

I couldn't help but let guilt come over me as my eyes started to water.

"yea" I said letting a few tears slip.

rafe stepped back shaking his head, fear washing over his body.

"why didn't you tell me" he asked continuing to step back.

"I found out the day Sarah and topper came back and that's the day I saw you with the girl. I thought you didn't want anything to do with me so I decided to not tell you" I said through tears.

"fuck Emmy, you can't just hide something like this from me" he said walking back towards me. 

rafe was freaking out.

"I can't deal with this right now, I'm sorry but I can't be apart of that baby's life" he said as he walked back into the country club with the others.

I walked over to my car and got in.

I can't believe that just happened. my baby's not going to have a dad....

arranged ~ rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now