~honey moon~

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"hey Emmy , are you sure you don't want me to stay with you? I know that the last person you'd want to marry is rafe so I want to stay."

Sarah has been trying to convince me to let her stay with her to help me but I just can't let her miss out on her honey moon.

"what are you girls chatting about"ward questioned as he walked into the room.

"well Sarah wants to stay here with me " I admitted.

ward gave us a look of confusion but then soon picked up on why she wanted to stay.

"look Sarah, you can't just not go on your honey moon but maybe Emmy and Rafe could come and stay at the hotel near by to try and get to know each other more. " ward then turned my way" i understand that you and Rafe have barely talked all your life but we just think that our family uniting in partnership will be a very good thing so if you go away with them you guys will just stay in a resort near them and spend time with each other to get to know each other better."

what ward said was true. our family uniting will enable us to make lots of money and one day we will inherit the Cameron house as rafe is the eldest of the Cameron children.i didn't really want to spend time with rafe let alone marry him but if its what our family wants then I'm down to do it.

I let out a big sigh "fine, ill go and spend time with him only because I want to make you and my family proud".

ward let a grin seep onto his face." you'll always be my favourite one of Sarahs friends and I'm proud to say that you'll be my daughter in law."

what ward said made me happy. although rafe wasn't really who I wanted to marry I couldn't help but get exited to finally actually be related to the Cameron's. my whole life they have always been there for me ,taking care of me and now actually being family.

I got up from the lounge and decided to go and find rafe to talk to him.

I walked up the stairs and made my way over to his room. when I arrived I knocked on the door awaiting an answer. as I stood waiting I could hear the faint sound of music coming from his room. I walked closer to the door to hear what the song was. as I leaned against the door and  made out what seemed to be "left hand free" it was my favourite song. as I leaned against the door listening to the music the door was opened leaving me on the ground.i looked up to see rafe standing in a towel in front of me.i scurried to my feet and looked up at rafe. as I got up I noticed his tan skin and the water droplets dripping down his defined abs.

"like what you see" rafe snickered as he noticed what I was looking at.

I shifted my gaze towards the boys ocean blue eyes and felt my cheeks heat up.ive never really paid attention to rafe before but man he looks good. his sandy blonde hair and his soft tanned skin was something that any girl in figure eight would love to see and touch.

"uh Emmy are you ok ?" rafe questioned as I had been standing stagnant for quite some time now.

I quickly stiffened up and realised that I had been standing in front of him just staring.

"I'm so sorry ... your dad asked if we'd like to go with Sarah and topper on their honeymoon but we just stay at the hotel near by and try and get to know each other" I said while bouncing on the soles of my feet.

rafe looked at me for a while debating on whether or not to take up the opportunity.he looked around and before finally looking back at me. 

"sure" he said bluntly and turned away, back into his bedroom.

I didn't want to annoy him so I backed away and closed the door. I walked back down the stairs and told ward the good news. 

arranged ~ rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now