"Penny for your thoughts?" Aaliyah asked the woman who was stuck in a trance.

"What?" Cordelia asked, snapping out of it.

"You are awfully mute today" Aaliyah said. After what had occurred, yesterday, Cordelia had been silent which bothered the young woman.

"I am sorry" Cordelia breathed, she didn't want to bother the girl with her burden.

"I thought we were past this" Aaliyah said, motioning to the space between them as Cordelia was sitting on her bed, pen between her lips.

"What do you mean?" Cordelia asked although she knew what the girl was talking about.

"You being silent when things escalate between us, it's like you are trying too hard to not feel the things that you feel for me" Aaliyah said.

"But I am, these feelings are so overwhelming and I do not know how to control them" she confessed "is this how Steward felt?" she whispered but the girl didn't hear those last words.

"Don't try to control them Delia" Aaliyah advised.

The older woman stared at the girl, she didn't want to let the little bit of control that she had. Her world had turned upside down in a matter of nine days, it was maddening to her as she never thought she would love or feel things for anyone. Give and take, which was the life she was accustomed to but it wasn't her fault because everyone had made her believe that, beside Steward of course. Alison had taken away some part of her too, she wanted more of the woman but she never found her and was left with a gap in her heart so she tried to fill it with casual sex and one night stands while ensuring that she took what Alison from her. Multiple women had come to her life and cried at her doorstep because she couldn't give them what she took form them, it wasn't because she didn't care for the women but she was only trying to fill in a wide gap. One that was created by a one night stand with Alison. She was a monster, Alison, and not once did she care to give Cordelia a little glimpse of what she had taken from her.

In nine days, Aaliyah had somewhat filled in the gap. Of course she didn't know it but Cordelia hadn't thought about Alison or having sex with someone she didn't care for. Instead, she had been avoiding having sex with the woman who was ought to be just a roommate. Aaliyah on the other hand, was revelling in the feelings she had and it was all because no one has ever made her feel that way, not even Francine.

"Okay, look we don't have to be anything but while we are stuck together we can create a little bubble and play pretend until we leave and go back to our adventurous lives" Aaliyah suggested.

"That sounds fucked up?" Cordelia finally chuckled.

"It is not a horrid idea, we will treat it like hypothesis" she blushed.

"How do we even do that?" Cordelia smiled, knowing that this whole idea wouldn't work.

"We only have five days, well four and a half, and we can go through those days as a couple" Aaliyah suggested "not a married one of course" she finished with a chuckle while the older woman thought out the plan.

"What if we fall in love with each other?" Cordelia asked.

"We shall pass that bridge when we get there" Aaliyah said with a grin on her face, she was truly excited with her idea.

"As enticing as that sounds, I will not partake in such" Cordelia chuckled "I don't want to play games with you because these maddening feelings are real" she said softly.

"Then make love to me Delia" in a seductive tone, Aaliyah said. The woman was caught by surprise by the escalation of the topic at hand. How did this end here? She wondered although she was smiling, sheepishly. The girl was pulling strings and all Cordelia could do was play along.

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