Day Nine

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On the day that Cordelia broke up with Steward, all hell broke loose as she didn't have a proper explanation as to why she was breaking up with him. It didn't make sense to him as he was certain that everything was seamless. The day before, Cordelia had asked him on a date and they had fun on that date, they drank wine and sang songs in front of everyone. Usually, she wouldn't partake in such activities in public but she felt free and yet, Steward didn't see it. He thought she was finally freeing herself from her parents as everyone knew how dangerous they were but she was happy, because she had experienced love with a woman. Throughout the date, Steward had asked "Are you alright?" a million times and each time she would nod and smile, like a little girl. Steward had never seen her so happy so he went with it, not knowing that Cordelia was contemplating leaving him to explore love with other women.

The say of the break up, Cordelia had asked Steward to sit down with her so they could talk about something of huge importance. He was excited because he thought she would finally accept his proposal, he had proposed to her and she had flatly refused but he never left her.

"There is something I need to tell you" she had said sternly and Steward watched her, blankly, while waiting for her to say whatever it was she needed to say.

"It had been great but this is not who I am and I would be living a lie if I continued to be with you" she had said and with that, Steward blocked her brain and pretended like he hadn't heard a thing she uttered.

"Wow Cordelia, very funny but I need to leave" He had said, with a grin on her face.

"No Steward, you need to listen to me. I do not want to be with you anymore" she had said, loud enough for him to hear.

"No!" he shrieked "I love you, you cannot leave me" he pleaded while her knees rested on the warm tile, he was kneeling for the woman who didn't love him the way he needed to be loved.

"I love you too Stewie but not the way you love me" she said while her hand massaged his head, it was a reflex.

"What did I do wrong?" he had asked.

"Nothing at all and yet, I cannot be with you" she had murmured.

"It doesn't make sense, why would you leave someone who treats you well and loves you without boarders?" he had asked Cordelia, she didn't know what to say at that moment as she knew that he was asking a valid question.

"I love women, the way I should be loving men" she had blurted it out, spilled it through her mouth and watched as the man below her stand abruptly.

"What do you mean?" he had asked, anger sipping out of him. Every men felt less when their women tell them they prefer women, Steward had a natural reaction to the news but while he looked in to her eyes, he started putting puzzles together. It never really made sense to him, how she was always so quite around his female friends and how she blushed when any woman greeted her.

"I love women" she had said, this time there was some confidence in her voice. She had never told anyone about her feelings for women and yet, it felt so right when she said it to him. It was a perfect fit.

"When did this start?" He had asked, bitterly.

"Since I was a little girl with a pink Barbie school bag" she had said, honestly.

"They why were you with me?" his face had creased with anger.

"Because it was easier, you were easier and the closest thing I could have that is considered normal" and with those words, he walked out and never returned to big house they both bought. She looked for him and all she could find were leads that lead her nowhere. He had vanished like nanny McPhee after completing her duty. It haunted Cordelia as she never wanted to hurt him. A year later, she found out that he had moved to a different country and followed a friend, she never found out who the friend was as she was glad he was alive and kicking. Since then she had never heard a thing about him, he was after all the man of her past. She never forgot about him neither did he, she was the love of his life even after she had hurt him.

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