Day Seven

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"Racheal!" Aaliyah said as the door closed behind the woman she had been avoiding, she wasn't really avoiding her intentionally but so much has occurred since their last meeting.

"Hello" the doctor said as she walked towards Aaliyah. She was wearing blue bell bottom jeans that hugged her curves and a white shirt with something written on it, she looked rather fashionable with her glasses and her curly hair loosely hanging. Aaliyah wished she could see her face but as always, a mask hindered that from ever occurring.

"How are you?" Aaliyah asked with a grin on her face, she hadn't really missed the woman but seeing her showered her with elation.

"I am well but I was wondering why you haven't replied to any of my messages and calls" The doctor said as she sat down, two meters away from the young woman.

"Oh, I didn't mean to go mute I lost someone very important, due to covid, and I have been dealing with that" she said lowly.

"I am so sorry, I had no idea" Racheal said.

"It's alright" Aaliyah smiled

"I brought some home cooked spaghetti and doughnuts'" she smiled as she took out some Tupperware and placed it on the table.

"How did you know I missed those?" Aaliyah asked, her face so flushed it seemed like a tomato.

"I guessed" Racheal chuckled "I know it can get hard being stuck in these small rooms with people you barely know" she said.

"It is not that bad, I really am enjoying myself" Aaliyah said as she looked at Cordelia's empty bed as Cordelia had went out to find the hotel manager.

"Lucky you then" Racheal scoffed "I have a bottle of wine, would you like that?" Racheal said, she had come prepared but because Aaliyah seemed so innocent, she didn't want to jump the gun.

"I'd love that!" Aaliyah squealed. Excitement had become her as she couldn't wait to share the bottle of wine with her roommate.

"Great!" Racheal smiled without Aaliyah ever having to see the smile, it was haunting to Aaliyah as she had only imagines what the doctor looked like without a face mask.

The door abruptly opened as Racheal placed the wine bottle on the floor, where she was certain it wouldn't fall. "So I found Mr Lakes and he wasn't very helpful" Cordelia said, not noticing the guest in their room.

"Cordelia" Racheal said with a smug on her face. She didn't like the older woman and it was all because she went asking around about her and because the queer community is small, she got to find some troubling tales about the older woman.

"Oh, we have a guest" Cordelia smirked and Aaliyah blushed

"I was only here for Aaliyah" Racheal smiled at Aaliyah and the young girl awkwardly chuckled. The tension was so thick, anyone can cut through it with a pair of scissors.

"Would you like some space?" Cordelia asked Aaliyah.

"No, we are alright" Aaliyah said and Racheal scowled at the older woman, who was smirking.

"Aaliyah, I have a very secluded office and I would like it if you came to see me and we can talk, in private" Racheal whispered to the girl, seductively at that and the young girl found herself blushing like a little girl while her keeper, Cordelia, was fuming with anger. "Just call me and I will direct you" she stood up and walked to the door, proud of what she had achieved. The older woman was clearly envious and the younger woman was clearly flushed, what more could she ever ask for? She wondered as she went out the door.

"She's quite an attention seeker" Cordelia scoffed as she sat down.

"Oh please, you just don't like her" Aaliyah chuckled.

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