"I don't have to like everyone you know" Cordelia said

"I understand that but that doesn't mean you have to be mean towards them" Aaliyah said

"Says a girl who threatened a man on the plan, a chubby man at that" Cordelia smirked. She had heard a few women gossiping about it and immediately she got a feeling that it might be Aaliyah as they had described her and beautiful and maybe mixed raced.

"How do you even know about that?" Aaliyah asked with a baffled expression written on her now pale face.

"People talk Aaliyah" Cordelia chuckled.

"He deserved it at that time but I did apologise to him" she scoffed.

"Why did you apologise if you think he deserved it?" Cordelia asked

"I was overcome by anger because he was sexist, racist and maddening but I wasn't raised to touch a man by his little balls and threaten them" she breathed.

"Aaliyah, some people deserve to be taught a lesson and I am certain that he will never speak his ill mouth in public" Cordelia said


"No buts Aaliyah, sometimes it is essential for the minority to stand up and fight, it is absurd having to fight for basic rights on this day and age but it is an unfortunate reality. You did great for fighting for what you believe in and now I have some sort of respect for you" Cordelia said. She has always been an advocate for the minority, well people of colour aren't really a minority but it is the term used to describe people who aren't white.

Growing up, Cordelia had always respected people regardless of colour and that was because of her father. Her father had always taught her to respect all people, especially those who don't have the privilege that she had growing up. He had always been firm to all his workers but it was never because of their skin colour, it was always about demanding respect. "See everyone as people Cordelia, even when people like us try to convince us otherwise but that doesn't mean you walk with your head hanging because then, no one would ever respect you" he would say "Demand respect from everyone not because of their skin colour" he had told her and she had never forgotten those words because they were the only building words she had ever gotten from her father. John, was a very kind man growing up and was raised by good people who brought a bad person in his life and now that goodness is only a distant friend that rarely comes out.

"Thank you Delia" Aaliyah blushed and the older woman nodded.

"I have a conference meeting in an hour" Cordelia informed Aaliyah.

"Alright then maybe I should go and see Racheal" Aaliyah suggested.

"I have no opinion in that" Cordelia lied, she didn't want the girl to ever leave her sight, she wanted to look at her while her employees talked spreadsheets and things that weren't as important.

"Alright" Aaliyah said as she picked up her bag and placed it on the couch.

Aaliyah had never been to a proper date in her entire life. The boys at her university had tried to ask her out on a few but she would always refuse them the pleasure of her presence and soon enough they stopped. The women never cared to ask her out as she wasn't the prime example of a gay girl, she seemed straight in the eyes of most people although she was usually keeping to herself. She was elated about seeing Racheal, she seemed like a perfect companion for Aaliyah. She came with home cooked food and respected Aaliyah from the moment she laid eyes on her but still, Aaliyah was dreaming about the woman who had only maddened her from the get go.

"How is this dress?" Aaliyah asked an irritated Cordelia. She was holding a blue summer dress that would reveal her back so Cordelia shook her head.

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