It was ought to be sadness that engulfed her as she lost someone important but her mind couldn't stop thinking about the kiss she shared with the older woman. While she was bathing, she would trace her thumb over her lips and her stomach would flatter at the thought. It was quite a magical feeling. Racheal had called the girl in the middle of the night but the girl ignored the phone call but soon received a message from her: "I am sincerely sorry for not calling soon but I was tied up at work. Please message me back as soon as you can". Aaliyah couldn't even call the woman back as her mind was too occupied by the enigma that was too focused on her laptop.

In the early hours, Aaliyah's family had called to comfort her. They were truly saddened by the news as everyone was fond of Miss Jones, it took some time for them to warm up to her personality but eventually she was like family. Aaliyah cried when they reminded her of her loss but after a few minutes of streaming tears, Aaliyah remembered all the things Miss Jones had said which lead her back to Cordelia.

During the morning, both women continued with their lives as if they didn't know each other. Strangers that had shared their lives to each other. It was awkward on Cordelia's end as she wanted to talk to the girl and maybe kiss her again but she couldn't and she wouldn't, it would be horrid of her but the girl didn't care. Aaliyah is an intelligent girl, she knew what she wanted and she wouldn't even do anything she didn't want just because she was feeling sad. She was used to sadness and all she wanted was a break, to feel something other than that. She knew that Cordelia wouldn't fall in love with her, she wasn't even in her league, but she was certain that Cordelia was the right person for the job. She had dreamt it after all.

During lunch time, Aaliyah ate alone as Cordelia was too occupied with her work. She was avoiding the girl at all cost but it wasn't a tranquil thing to accomplish as the girl made it hard. Aaliyah had worn grey shorts and a white baggy shirt that hid the shorts, it wasn't her intention to look sexy for the older woman as it was her lounge wear but the woman was quite taken by the girl in that outfit. If she could, she would have already consumed the girl. As always, Aaliyah was too oblivious to see that the woman was in turmoil all because of her choice in clothing. Cordelia would only glance when the girl wasn't looking and hold her thighs together as she felt rather flushed.

After dinner, Aaliyah dived back into her book while Cordelia scrolled through her social media accounts. She was quite a popular figure, especially to young lesbians who craved her attention which she never gave. She liked young girls but would never date someone as young as the girls on her socials, high school children. Underage girls weren't really for forte. While rolling her eyes at the things she read, her phone chimed with a message from her mother: "I will be calling you in a minute so please be ready, you know I hate waiting" the message said and with immediate effect, Cordelia stood from her bed and fixed everything while Aaliyah watched with complete surprise. A minute later, her laptop chimed and she answered it as quickly as she could.

"Hello Ma'am" Cordelia said and Aaliyah watched in confusion.

"Don't slouch honey, you know it is back for your back" Cordelia's mother, Susan Sparks, said with a very unsettling tone and Cordelia straightened her back on command "Good" her mother said and Aaliyah scrunched her face, it was rather odd seeing Cordelia in such a manner.

"How do you do?" Cordelia asked her mother. She was a very beautiful woman as Cordelia did inherit her beauty.

"I am well" she said not even caring to ask her daughter how she was but Cordelia was used to this meanwhile Aaliyah's mouth was left agape in disgust.

"Is there a reason for your call Mother?" Cordelia asked.

"Am I not allowed to call my daughter when I want?" Susan said and Cordelia rolled her eyes, she knew that her mother would not just call her "Don't roll your eyes sweetheart, it is incivility" her mother continued and Aaliyah rolled her eyes at. This was the kind of rich people she didn't like, the kind that had no humanity because they had a duty to show the world how to behave just in case they become rich too but Cordelia wasn't like that.

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