It took her longer to shower and cloth herself as she was anxious about the doctor coming in, it was only seven o'clock but her stomach was already turning. She cleaned the room and sat down, with nothing else to do. Her feet needed to walk, it was permitted but she was too afraid to leave the room. She had seen the news the day before and people were dying horribly, some couldn't even say a proper goodbye to their loved ones and she didn't want her grandmother to live with such a burden. It took her ten minutes to master up the courage to even open the door, she was wearing her blue surgical mask and was holding on to a small bottled sanitiser.

She took small steps while hoping everyone else was asleep, she couldn't trust that everyone was okay because some people didn't have symptoms. She walked the halls and smiled when she had walked for five minutes without bumping into anyone, the universe favoured her at that moment.

Cordelia woke up a few minutes after Aaliyah left the room. She always woke up at the same time, eight o'clock, it was another routine she picked up from her childhood but yesterday she had overslept and it still haunted her. She scanned the room and found it clean and Aaliyah's bed done and empty. She slightly panicked but quickly calmed down when she saw Aaliyah's phone on the charger.

"This girl is going to be the death of me" she groaned as she striped herself to go shower. The schedule had said breakfast will only be served at half past eight, this was to ensure that everyone got food and gave allowance to late birds. Her shower was peaceful as no thoughts of the girl swam in her mind instead she was slightly stressed about her logistics company. Due to the lockdown, some of her businesses had to stop operating and it frustrated her although there wasn't much she could do about it. It wasn't the money that worried her but the fact that some of her employees were in danger and couldn't work. She wanted to help them but there wasn't much she could really do besides support them and ensure they are safe from the virus, there was plenty of money after all but life was something that could be taken in an instant. Cordelia really cared about her workers, all of them, but she would never make them see that as they would take advantage of that.

Her parents had taught her to show a straight face when it comes to employees, they said it was because they were lower than her. "Cordelia, don't let these people see your weakness. They will use it to their advantage" her father had warned, he was a strict man and everyone who worked under him was terribly afraid of him. He was only soft to his wife.

Cordelia got out of the shower and wore her black robe. She was slightly happy for the silence she had received, no banter from the young girl. Last night, Aaliyah had dosed off while reading a book and Cordelia covered her with her blanket. The girl seemed cold and her soft snores were oddly comforting.

The door opened and in walked in the young girl, she seemed terrified and it made Cordelia chuckle.

"Good morning miss busy pants" Cordelia said to the girl.

"Hi" the girl said lowly as she remembered the dream, she was now overcome by mortification.

"Such an awful mood so early in the morning?" Cordelia asked in a teasing voice although she was concerned for the girl.

"I am just anxious about the doctor that will be coming by" the girl lied.

"Oh, there is nothing to worry about. I am sure of that" Cordelia assured the girl as she stood by her bed.

"What is they say I have some cancer cell growing from my toes?" she scoffed.

"Then they can cut it off before it gets to your whole foot" Cordelia chuckled

"I just don't want to die without ever experiencing life" Aaliyah blurted, she hadn't intended on saying but it slipped out of her mouth.

"What do you mean?" Cordelia asked, she didn't know what the girl was talking about.

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