The Wrong One

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Her [colour] orbs scanned the crowd, her marking burning.

They were here, she knew it

[name]'s body suddenly stopped, freezing in place as her head cranked to the side, looking at her shoulder. Upon seeing the hand placed on it, she slowly allowed her eyes to slowly follow the limb, past the wrist, forearm, bicep, shoulder, then finally, they're neck.

Her breath hitched, making eye-contact with a very farmiliar shell marking on they're neck.

She looked up to they're eyes, bright green eyes meeting hers. She was lost in them, already feeling some sort of spark.

The man glanced down at her neck for a quick second before lifting his gaze to meet hers, nothing but happiness shining in his eyes.

"We finally meet, I'm [random name], it's a pleasure to finally meet you, dearest soulmate." He spoke, his words sinking in as he leaned down, gently grabbing her hand to leave a small kiss in greeting.

Her face flushed, turning a bright red while he chuckled happily.

"Seems we have some catching up to do." He smiled, pulling her along once he had repositioned his hand so it was in hers.

My, quite a handsom one, isn't he? Charming, too.

[name] smiled, following behind with a skip in her step.

— • —
{im watching you}

A small time skip (a month) because no one likes [random name], it's law

I will take you to hell if you like him

{im watching you}

Her cries echoed through the room, [random name] had just left, and while he was gone, [name] was using that time to let out her woes.

She had just walked out to buy some ingredients for dinner when she saw [random name] holding another girl in his arms, both technically eating eachother.

[name] first wondered how long it was happening, then she asked herself why, why had he done this? Weren't they soulmates?

Speak of the devil and he shall appear, a jingling sound was brought to her ears, dull, but there.

The front door opened, slamming against the wall beside it. The sound had startled [name], quickly getting back to cooking before he had the chance to yell at her for slacking.

Said man stumbled into the home, barely managing to shut and lock the door before sluggishly stomping to the island bench in the kitchen. He slumped down on the chair, running a hand through his blonde locks, the bitch looked up, seeing what [name] was making

"Hurry the fuck up, I'm too tired to fix your damn messes today." He grumbled, removing his hand from his hair and the other from the bench, placing his elbows on the bench while he rubbed his face, clearly tired.

[name] simply nodded, she was too afraid she would lash out at him, leading to domestic abise from him. She couldn't even remember the last time they kissed, it was that bad.

[random name] doubled over, clutching his neck. Unfortunately, [name] had done the same. She had dropped to the floor, wooden spoon discarded to the side as she used both hands to dig into her neck around the shell tattoo.

The burning sensation was tearing down her throat, heating her entire body to the point she was sweating bullets. [random name] was the same at that point.

And then, as quickly as it started up, it left. The mark as well as the pain.

[name] let out heavy breaths, stumbling to stand, throwing off her aprin while running to the bathroom.

She beat open the wooden door, knocking it off it's hinges as she stormed over to the mirror. Absolutee horror was plastered on her face as she looked at he neck.

The only thing on her neck was her own blood from when she dugs her nails into her neck to try and distract herself from the seering pain.

No shell.

She screamed, dropping to the floor and covering her mouth as she let out strangled sobs.

Mary the One Eyed Prostitute Who Fought the Colossal Squid and SThe Dreadnoughts5:04 —————————————————•- 5:06= << II >> c

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Mary the One Eyed Prostitute Who Fought the Colossal Squid and S
The Dreadnoughts
5:04 —————————————————•- 5:06
= << II >> c

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