☁︎ Quackity x Non-binary Reader

683 7 4

request: no one

summary: You were invited to join the Dream SMP and Dream offers to show you around while you're on stream. But little did you know, you'd be meeting someone you thought you'd never meet on the way.

this might be pretty shitty. i apologize in advance.

it was a normal day for you, except for the fact that you were invited to the dream smp and that you had to be dressed and ready in 20 minutes for your stream. you threw yourself out of your bed and in the process you fell on the floor. you cursed yourself for being so clumsy. you headed to the shower and you go ready, you  showered, brushed your teeth and brushed your hair and then headed to your computer.  you went onto Twitch and you logged on and started up your stream, seeing your fans roll in hundreds at a time and then thousands at a time. 

you hopped onto discord and clicked on the discord group chat for the dream smp. you scrolled though the channels and voice chats. there were other members of the dream smp that were online, chatting in the different voice chats. you found dreams username, you kept your cursor hovered upon the voice chat. you logged onto minecraft and then, your stream officially started.

"hello chat! how's everyone doing today?" you said as you see people from our chat reply and say hello.


username420 donated $69 

hello Y/N! hope you have a nice stream.

you  chuckled to yourself as you read the amount of money the person gave you. "thank you username420 for the donation. so today were heading onto the dream smp and dream, the big man himself, is gonna show me around!" as you said that you had officially logged onto the dream smp. you looked around and saw all of the builds that were scattered everywhere. you saw dreams username not too far from your spawn point. so as one would do, you hopped your little character over to dreams character and then you joined the VC. 

"hey dream." you said. you caught him off guard.

"OH! hey y/n! and hey y/ns chat," he responded cheerfully. "ready to get started?"

"ready as ever dweam!" you chuckled. he chuckled along with you.

✂︎ TIME SKIP cuz im lazyyyyyy✂︎

you and dream had now entered Las Navadas. you marvelled at the builds and how the place looked. it looked a lot better than the prison, no offence Sam. 

in the distance you saw another persons character on their way to you and dream. the person joined the VC.

"Hola!" he said with auto tune on "¡Hola! ¿Puedes oírme?"

dream laughed. "hey quackity."

"ey yo, who's this sexy persona caliente?" he said with a mixture of flirtatiousness and comedy.

"im Y/N. nice to meet you" you said, a smile eminent in your voice.

"Y/N~ such a gorgeous name , dare i say, the most beautiful name i've possibly ever heard?" he chuckled.

you now had a blush on your face and your whole chat could see it! they called you a simp and all that nonsense! "thank you Quackity-" 

"please call me Alex" he interrupted .

"alright then, Alex." you smiled. 

you knew you two would talk to this man more often.

apologies for this shitty chapter im writing it at 3am. 



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