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The next morning, Clint and Steve were knocking at Natasha's door. She was late again for training.
"Tasha, you are awake? You don't have time for gym because we have a meeting with Fury. Are you ready?" Clint said.
Natasha woke started of the knocking and stumbled out of the bed,falling on her face.
"Yeah! I have to do a few things and i will be ready. Go without me. I will catch up with you!"
"Ok." both men left.
Natasha turned on the T.V. and took a bag of chips from her drawer.

Clint was anxious. Natasha didn't showed up and she was so late. What happened to her? He texted Natasha, but she didn't answered. What if she was hurt? Steve tried to contact her, but with no success. All of them were waiting for her to come, so they could start the meeting. Fury was angry.
"Where the hell is Romanoff!Barton, what do you know about her? "
"In the morning she told me she will come. I will try to call her again."
Suddenly, the door opened and Natasha came in and sit on the empty chair.
"Agent Romanoff, can you explain why are you late? You are never late and i hope it is a good reason."
"Sorry I was late I didn't wanted to come."
"Excuse me." Fury raised a eyebrow.
Steve knew he had to save Natasha " What do we do about Hydra?"
"We don't have an information about any base except for the last 2.The techs are still trying to decode the data on the USB. And thanks to Romanoff, we only have one USB."
"You are welcome."
Fury looked angry at her.
"What can we do?" Steve asked to save Natasha again.
"Sadly, not to much yet."
"So we are at this meeting for nothing." Natasha interrupted Fury.
"Ms. Romanoff, first you are late and then you interrupt the meeting!Also you failed a mission! Don't you think you should  try to listen?"
"Listen to what? Practically your whole speech was about the fact that we  know nothing about Hydra."
"Avengers, you can go out." Fury said. "Not you Agent Romanoff. You stay."
"What? I got detention?"
"I don't know what is happening with you,if it is because of Rogers, but snap out of it! Because you wanted to come here so much, you will train the cadets."
"What! They are children who don't know nothing about combat!"
"Good thing you will learn them."
Natasha stormed out of the room and went directly to the training room.
"You think this is a good idea, Nick?" Maria asked.
"I am worried about her, Maria."
After 30 minutes, Maria was going to see how was Natasha's class with the cadets, when she heard screams from the room. She entered and the first thing she observed  was the blood from the training mat and then  the cadets that were staying on the ground, some of them visibly having one ore more broken bones.
"What happened here!?"
"They are awful at combat. Anyway, my job here is done, so au revoir (bye)." Natasha left the room.
"Nick, we have a problem." Maria called to Fury with her comm.
"What happened?"
"Natasha showed no mercy on the cadets. Ask Simmons if she can treat 18 people."
"Send Romanoff to my office."
"I can't, she left."
"She left?!"

Steve was reading a book in the living room, when from behind, two hands covered his eyes.
"Guess who is?"
Steve smiled"... um... Bucky? "and then started laughing.
" You are  horrible at this game. "Natasha said.
" Shouldn't you be training some kids? "
" I did. They learn fast.You, me, cinema. What do you say, Stevie ?"
" Sure. "

After the movie ended, Steve and Natasha were walking, looking at the lights of the city.
" I didn't know you were the type for  French romantic movies. "
" I am full of surprises. "her stomach growled.
" Ok, understood the message. Where do you want to eat? "
" There is a fast food. We could eat there. "
" Fast food? "Steve raised an eyebrow.
" Yeah. What? They didn't have those before you became an ice cube? "
" You never eat fast food. Usually you are the healthy type. Eating salads... and staying in shape to be always prepared for fight. "
" Things can change. So.. we eat or what?I really want a big hamburger with French fries . "
Steve was uncertain"... um... sure.Everything you want Tasha. "

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