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Clint came back from SHIELD Headquarters and was ready to eat something when he saw Steve coming back from the gym, a little sad.
"You are ok, Steve? Did Natasha kicked your butt too hard?"
"That's the problem. Natasha wasn't at the gym. I thought she was with you giving that mission raport to Fury."
"No, she wasn't." Clint looked worried and went upstairs to her room, Steve following him. He knocked at her door.
"Tasha, are you there?" Clint knocked harder. Still no answer.
"Maybe she went for a run?" Steve suggested.
"I'm worried because she was knocked out during the mission and maybe it was worse than she let it to seem. Maybe she is in a coma behind the door-"
He was interrupted by Steve knocked at the door.
"You made a good point. Romanoff, open the door!"Steve said.
" Jarvis, open Natasha Romanoff's door. "
" Sorry, Mr Barton, but-"
" It's code red. "
The door opened and Clint with Steve rushed in, just to see Natasha sleeping with headphones on her head and still in the suit. The bed was still made and the TV still on, stopped at the credits scene. Both Clint and Steve were dead worried. Natasha never sleeps with her headphones on. She likes to be prepared and hear the danger coming . And she never sleeps with her suit on because she knows it has lethal weapons and could hurt her accidentally in her sleep. Also, she likes her suit to be functioning at full capacity, so she doesn't use it as pyjamas. Clint feared that she was hurt so bad, that she didn't changed. He took her headphones and shaked her lightly. Natasha woke up and almost broke his arm,until she saw he was Clint.
"I could have killed you! Wait... what are you doing in my room?"
"I knocked. And you didn't answer. I was worried. Are you fine?"
"I'm good. Why?"
"Because you didn't showed up for our training." Steve said. Natasha just then acknowledged his presence and stumbled, falling on her bed,but jumped on her feet rapidly.
"Hiii, Steve. I didn't saw there. Sorry i wasn't at the gym this morning. Maybe we can train together if you still want?" Natasha smiled.
Clint looked weird at her"Did you just... smiled? "
" Clinton, the door is over there."Nat pointed at the door, still smiling at Steve.
" You used my full name,Natalia Alianovna Romanova! How could you. "Clint made a hurt face.
" The door is waiting. "
" Yesterday I saved your life. "
" If you will remember me this every 5 minutes of my life, you better let me die. "
" Why didn't you showed Steve the door? "
" Because Steve is a gentleman and knows when to leave.The door is waiting."

"Love you too."Clint left.

Natasha came closer to Steve."What do you say,Captain?Meet my at the gym in 10 minutes?"

"S-sure ,Nat.See you there."Steve left and Natasha prepared for the gym.She took her favourite red leggings and a Captain America T-shirt.An idea came in her had and took a DVD . Natasha ran down the stairs and to the gym to prepare her surprise.
When Steve came to the gym, he was welcomed by Natasha's big smile.
"Happy to beat you in fight?"
"In your dreams, Rogers!"
"Nice T-shirt." Steve pointed at her t-shirt.
"I know. It reminds me of you." Natasha came closer to him.
"What do you want to do? Sparring or we punch the bags and see who brokes them first?"
"I have a better idea." She came even closer and put her fingers on his shoulder.
"Nat, what are you doing? Steve started to laugh nervously.
She took his hand in hers and looked in his eyes." What about dancing? Tango? Walz? "she pressed a button from a remote she was carrying in her pocket and music started to play.
" What? From where is this music coming? Shouldn't we train? "
" Dancing can be training. It helps you to have more coordinate moves. That's why we did ballet in the Red Room." she put her head on his shoulder.
"What is going on here?" Clint said, staying in the doorway. Steve immediately put distance between him and Natasha.
"What do you want Clint?" Natasha rolled her eyes, upset that Clint ruined the moment.
"Fury called. New mission in Berlin. A new possible Hydra base. Maria came with the jet to take us,because Fury wasn't pleased with my parking skills from the last mission. You better go and change in your suit."
Natasha kissed Steve's cheek "Wait for me, Stevie. "
Once she was gone, Clint looked confused at Steve "Did she just called you Stevie?And you two were dancing together? What the fuck i just witnessed!?"
"Don't ask me. I'm also confused. Yesterday, i said i like her shoes and she said thank you and left, but today she invited me to dance with her. I like Natasha and i would be the happiest man alive if she was my girlfriend, but i thought things will be slower. I mean, i just said her shoes are nice. "
" That's too fast even for Tasha. Usually she doesn't show her feelings like that.It's weird. "
" Move, Barton! Me and Romanoff are waiting for you. "Maria spoke through the comms.
" I have to go. "Clint left to the jet.

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