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It was as normal as a day can be in the house

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It was as normal as a day can be in the house. Everyone going about their day; the faint sound of a piano playing in the background. A petite, pixie-like girl and a Texan boy with honey blonde hair were curled up together on the sofa, reading a book. The matriarch of the household goes around watering the plants, making sure to keep them alive. While her husband, a doctor, sits in his office not too far down the hall going through paperwork. The other blonde, a very beautiful girl, sits next to her bolder of a husband as he watches the game, looking through a fashion magazine. And at the piano, playing effortlessly, sits a bronzed haired boy. It was peaceful in the home of the Cullens.

Unfortunately, all peace must come to an end, and in this case, it was caused by an audible gasp, coming from none other than Alice Cullen herself as she was sucked into another vision. Everyone stops what they're doing; the game being paused, the scribble of a pen ceased, the sound of a book being shut, the piano silenced. Those who were in different rooms quickly rushed to hear what the small vampire saw.

"What is it, Alice?" The blonde Texan, Jasper Hale, asked his wife. Everyone anxiously waited for the vision to finish, so Alice could explain. All traces of worry soon vanished as a smile made its way onto the vampire's face. Alice looked up at her family, who were all curious on what could possibly make her smile so brightly. Her eyes scanned each and every one of her fellow coven mates. Once her eyes landed on none other than Edward Cullen, a mind reader who was struggling to see the girl's vision, her smile brightened even more. If that was even possible.

"You're going to love her!" Alice cheered, clapping her hands like a small child. She was practically bouncing in her seat from excitement, leaving her family confused.

"What are you talking about, Alice? Who will we love?" Dr. Carlisle Cullen, the leader of their coven, asked his daughter. His voice was soft, but also firm. He had a feeling the vision had something to do with his son, Edward, given how Alice was looking at him when she spoke.

"Not us! Well, I mean, of course we'll love her, even you Rose. But not as much as Edward will. Oh! I can't wait for you to meet her. You are going to love her!" Alice rambled, too fast for any human to understand. She had repeated the same thing she had said earlier, and it seemed only Edward didn't understand what she was trying to say.

Edward tried to look into Alice's mind to see the vision once more, and this time the clairvoyant let him......

In the middle of a field of flowers, somewhere deep in the woods, laid Edward with a pale brunette girl with carmel colored eyes in his arms. The sun seeped through the tree branches, making Edwards exposed skin to shine like diamonds. The girl's laughter filled the air, sounding like music to Edwards ears. The entire time, the two never broke eye contact. If someone were to look from the outside, they would assume the couple were admiring each other, which they were. But to them, it was just two telepaths having quite an interesting conversation.

I'm telling you, you would've loved it. I've never seen Esme so mad before. She even made Emmett try and put the vase back together without help from any of us. Edward communicated with the brunette through his mind, an amused smile on his face from the memory. The girl laughed at the image that had just played out in her love's mind. Of course, she didn't really care for the vase. Esme was planning on getting rid of it for a while at the time, saying it was out of style. She just wanted Emmett to see what would happen if he had broken one she actually cared for.

The girl was in a fit of giggles the entire time Edward talked. She then started to tell the vampire a story of the time she got so mad all because she couldn't figure out how to tie her ballet slippers for dance. As she talked, Edward looked at her with so much love and admiration. He hadn't been this happy in what felt like a thousand years, and now he couldn't be happier.

Noticing his staring, the girl halts her tangent and looks at him. What? The girl questioned. The advantages of both individuals being a telepath; not having to talk out loud for the other to hear. Especially since the girl was quite shy around people and always had difficulty communicating with words. What's wrong? She asked again, this time furrowing her brows together.

N-nothing. It's just... Edward wanted to say it. Those three simple words that have been on the tip of his tongue from the moment they met. And so he did. "I love you, Abigail Swan."

Edward blinked, coming back to reality after having watched himself confess his love for- what seemed to be- a simple human girl. He couldn't help the smile that had made its way onto his face. Finally, after over a century of roaming the earth, Edward was able to find the one he's supposed to spend all eternity with. His mate.

"She's beautiful." He had muttered to himself, too quiet for the average human. All the Cullen's took notice of Edward's sudden shift in mood, Jasper most of all given his gift of being an empath. Just by one look into the future, Edward no longer hated his very existence. No, now he actually looked happy to be alive and on this Earth. Alice was practically glowing from excitement; she couldn't sit still.

"Could one of you tell us what's so exciting? Seeing how we can't look into Alice's head like old Eddy here." Emmett Cullen, the biggest and strongest of them all, asked his adoptive siblings.

Alice couldn't keep the good news to herself, and decided to be the one to tell the family. Taking note of the fact that Edward seemed to in his own little world, still thinking about the beautiful doe eyed brunette. "We no longer have to suffer through Edward's sulking." She had simply put it with a little shrug, slightly teasing the mind reader.

Rosalie Hale, the beautiful blonde, stepped away from her husband with her arms crossed. "What do you mean? And who is this she Edward is talking about?"

Upon hearing his name coming from his coven sister's mouth, Edward finally came out of his trance to speak up. "Her name is Abigail, and she's moving to Forks to live with her father, Charlie. The chief of police. She is my mate." At the mention of Edward finally finding his mate, the household went up in cheers. Even Rosalie, the cold hearted vampire with a tough exterior, celebrated with the family. Esme Cullen, Dr. Cullen's wife went over to her son to give him a motherly hug and congratulated him.

As Alice explained how special this mystery girl was, Edward goes off into his own little world. Thinking about the girl from the vison and how excited he is in finally meeting his mate.

I can't wait to meet you, Ms. Swan.

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