Are we just friends?

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*fluff* katara and zuko
Katara POV:
I feel free. I finally faced the man who took my mum from me all those years ago, I was so angry at him ,I wanted to end him. He looked so pathetic and old, he coward before my feet. And for some reason all my rage turned into sadness. I let the man go and told him "I don't want to ever see your face again". Zuko was there, it was all his idea to try get me to trust him with training ang how to fire bend. I didn't trust him after everything he had done to us, he chased us for ages. But now I actually trust him,maybe even like a friend. We made our way back on appa. I didn't feel like being around anyone so I walked over to the rock sitting in the edge of the hill, I watched the horizon thinking about my mum, trying to remember her voice,her face. I grow frustrated because I can't remember my own mum. I hear footsteps behind me and quickly turn my head around, it's zuko. He calmly comes and sits next to me and he....feels different, I don't feel the angry defensive feelings radiating off him. I feel calm emotions and 'Stop getting ahead of yourself katara' I thought. "Hey katara, just came over to make sure your ok:)" I look into his deep hazel eyes, they're genuine. " yeah I'm okay, thanks for helping me find that guy"I say as I blush deep red.

Zuko POV:
"yeah I'm okay, thanks for helping me find that guy" katara turned her head trying to hide her deep blush spreading across her face. God katara is adorable, for some reason ever since I joined the group I've been fascinated and drawn to her even though she hates my guts, I examine her tan skin and piercing blue eyes while she looks into the sunset. "I'm glad your ok katara, I actually think your really cool" I said , I didn't mean to add the last bit it just rolled out, I'm not mad though, all of it is true. She kept staring off  into the distance and I almost wondered if she didn't hear me.
Katara POV:
"I'm glad your ok katara, I actually think your really cool" zuko said in his low raspy voice. I kind of froze, I'm not sure why but those words hit me so strong.
Zuko POV:
I was just about to stare into the horizon aswell but then she turned her head and looked at me, she is so Gorgeous, the sun frames her face perfectly. She puts her hands on my face ,cupping my cheeks. I freeze and realise what's about to happen. Next thing I know her soft lips are on mine. I stay still for a second in shock that this amazing,beautiful girl is kissing me.
I embrace her in my arms and hold the kiss as long as I can. I can feel her warm hands on my face and her soft lips on mine. I feel at peace.

Katara POV :
I didn't think and all of a sudden I was kissing zuko, the guy who tried to kill ang-  but it felt so right. I could feel his hands around my waist, embracing me. I felt so safe. His lips were so strong against mine. I pulled away as I thought it was a bit too long. I stare into his hazel eyes and his eyes are twinkling. "Your blushing" he said with a cheeky grin . I realise my face is boiling hot and I cover my face in my hands . "I so regret kissing you" to be honest, i didn't really but I wanted to make sure he didn't know that. "Come on you definitely didn't seem like it". For some reason his tone made me annoyed a little, so arrogant, like he used to be. I stood up because it was getting awkward and I was hungry, he looked at me disappointingly. Im about to turn around and he says "are we just friends katara? Or more?"
I was so confused by that question. It was just a kiss, nothing more. We are just friends, right?
Zuko POV :
I watched her walk away. She seemed shocked at what I said. I was just speaking the truth. I can sense the connection between us. I know we are more than friends. I just know it.

First chapter !!!! Woohoo. 755 words:) pretty good? Idk
Anyways stay tuned for the best uship, not sure when I'll start including smüt but I'll let you know.
Stay safe

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