episode 2

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"It doesn't matter that it happened 5 years ago Mark! It matters that when ever the temptation is thrown your way you can't turn it down! You need to get some help!" Lexie yelled.

Mark looked hurt at the words Lexie was throwing his way.

"I'm late for work please take the kids to daycare, I can't handle this anymore" She said, before she left though she leaned in and kissed Mark on the cheek.

"I still love you" She muttered and then headed for the door, bag in hand.

Edwards reached Patric Rigson in time. They canceled the medicine order and Edwards took a breath.

"Edwards, Go straight to my office now! Do not pass go and do not talk to another soul! Go!" Teddy yelled pointing out of the patients room.

Teddy was certain Grey-Shephard memorial was about to get sued and rightfully so after Edwards mistake.

As Edwards made her way to Teddy's office she bumped into Jo.

"Whats going on with you?" Jo asked noticing the look on Edwards face.

"Pretty sure I'm about to get fired" She mumbled and quickly picked up her pace to out walk Jo.

Jo stopped in place in confusion.

Bailey being in charge of ALL of the new interns stood infront of them handing out assignments and telling them who they would be with for the week.

"Bailey, do you know when we will have a head of Neuro? That is my passion and I really want to learn all I can about the human brain and surgery" One of the nameless interns asked eagerly.

"Do I look like a member of the hiring board?"

"I jus-"

"No, I am not a member on the hiring board, get to work now! You have rounds with Doctor Torres. Go!" Bailey demanded.

The intern rushed off with their head held down.

Bailey rolled her eyes and listed off a few names and instructed that they would be in the clinic and a few more names telling them which doctors they would be with.

Click, click, click, click. High heel shoes could be heard claking on the tile floor. Schmit and a few others looked up to see a beautfiul Red Head walking past them, wearing a doctors coat.

"Who is the new doctor?" One of them asked Schmit.

Schmit hardly noticed, he looked up just to see the back of her head. "I don't know" He Shrugged.

Teddy was standing at the end of the hallway.

"Welcome back Addison! We're so happy to have you as our head of Peds!" She practically screeched in delight.

"It's weird being back here...you know, with out the others" Addison commented, a depressed tone could be heard in her voice.

"Oh my god, Addison!" Bailey said turning the corner. They both hugged each other tight.

"Are you our new head of peds? Please say so!" Bailey pleaded.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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