La Push, Baby!

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There was nothing unusual about a rainy day in Washington. The average forecast was pretty much the same everyday, however today was different for another reason. January 17th, 2005. The day Bella Swan finally came back to Forks.

Charlie Swan was always a good friend of my fathers, he was a well-rounded man, with good morals, and a big heart despite his tough exterior. I have the greatest memories of him visiting us in La Push. Dad and Charlie got along well, probably because of their shared experiences loosing women, although not in the same way, and the combined love of fishing. My mother, Sarah ended up dead in a crash when I was younger. I don't have too many memories of her. Which bothers me immensely, but I do recall how wonderful she was. Dad hasn't really been the same since and I think Charlie helped him get back on his feet. Figuratively, that is. Rebecca and Rachel have more vivid memories of my mother, so they often spent nights telling me stories from when she was alive. I enjoyed them but I did wish I had my own stories to tell. There was a scattered few I could remember but nothing like what my sisters would tell me before bed. Charlie had a daughter of his own, Isabella Swan. She was always the prettiest girl in the room. I had always thought so. Bella lived here for awhile and spent some time down in La Push with her father, but I doubt she remembers it well. In her younger years she was swept up by Renee, leaving Charlie alone. Her visits began to decrease as she got older and eventually she just stopped coming. I've never seen Charlie so dull. Me and Dad spent many nights watching baseball up at Charlie's. Dad was always good at bringing up the energy in a room. Years and years have passed since I last saw Bella. I spent a lot of time thinking about what she might look like now, how she carried herself, the way she talked. Today was the day I was finally going to find out. Bella was coming "home."

Dad and I began the short trip to Forks once we heard about Bella's plane landing. We were helping Charlie out fixing an old truck for her to drive while she stayed here. So we had to drop it off before school started for her. I was only 15 but since his diabetes had grown worse leaving him stuck in a wheelchair, I was the one driving. I usually did drive to Charlie's. He was a cop but wouldn't dare rat on me, he loved my dad too much. Pulling into the driveway I finally got to see her. She was actually here. Bella followed cautiously behind her Dad down the driveway trying her hardest not to make eye contact. I didn't even think she remembered me at all. Charlie greeted Dad with their usual hug and he pulled me in for one as well. Turning to Bella he reintroduced her to myself and Dad. "Bella! This is Billy & Jacob Black, do you remember spending time down in La push when you spent your summers here?" Bella looked at me for a moment, then looked at Dad and a small smile crossed her lips. "Oh my gosh, of course! Hi Jacob, Billy!" I walked towards her and reached for a hug. It was kind of awkward but didn't feel forced. Dad laughed at me, shaking his head from side to side subtly. "Bella!" he grinned. "How are you liking Forks? Glad to be back?" Bella's facial expression turned. "Yeah. I guess it's okay." She forced a smile. "You'll get used to it dear." Charlie looked a little flustered from Bella's response. "Thanks for stopping by boys, tell Rachel and Rebecca we said hello." "Of course" Dad smiled. "I hope you settle in nicely, Bella. See you next weekend for the game, Charlie." Wheeling himself towards the truck he called me over. "Goodbye Charlie, Bella. I hope to see you again soon." Bella smiled, for real this time. At least I think so anyway. "Me too, Jacob. See you around."

The drive back To La Push was incredibly awkward now. I knew Dad could tell I fancied Bella. Sure, Bella could probably tell I fancied Bella. "Jacob." he started. "Don't mess this up, I don't need baseball night at Charlie's to be ruined because you messed around with his daughter." I was visibly blushing now, I could tell. My tanned skin wasn't hiding it this time. "Dad..." "Don't stress too much son, you and Bella will have to see each other again eventually. I'm not planning on driving myself to Charlie's anytime soon." I laughed at his joke but was really just thinking about what he had said. Bella and I would have to see each other again, and I was already looking forward to it.

full moon ☾: the twilight saga told from the perspective of jacob blackHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin