free spirit

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Free Spirit 

Her spirit was one that 

Could not have been tied 

Down so easily. She was 

Effortlessly free, burning 

Brighter than the midnight 

Sun could only dream. 

Even the stars paled in 

Comparison to the sheer 

Amount of light radiating 

From her spirit. Galaxies 

Quivered, aching for that 

Warm light to fill their 

Darkest crevice, abandoned 

Eons ago by others whose souls 

Were tainted by rage and avarice. 

Yet that incandescent spirit 

Was not entirely free of sin, 

What she lacked in rage and 

Avarice, she made up for in 

Gluttony and sloth and lust. 

She was well aware of this, 

Uncaring of her imperfections. 

She was sound in her 

Desires and confident 

Of her innermost being. 

Maybe that's why she was 

So bright. She never stifled 

Her inhibitions. She gave 

Her demons as much of a 

Voice as she did her angels. 

That free spirit of hers 

Made imperfections seem 

Like a hidden treasure, 

A gem hidden well beneath 

The waves of the world. 

Even the heavens longed for 

Just an ounce of that stability. 

Maybe the key to happiness 

Isn't achieving success or 

Total perfection. Perhaps 

It's a healthy respect for 

Who we once were - 

And where we'd been. 

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