Watermon juice

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The saying "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade" is exactly what I'm trying to do. Day after day I collect my lemons. Large lemons, small lemons, old lemons, fresh lemons. Don't get me wrong, I still collect other fruit. But when I get a lemon I put it in my bag and keep going.
One day I finally decided it was time to make lemonade. Time to reap the sweet, sweet juice of these bitter stones. I prepare my pitcher, sugar, and ice and begin to squeeze the lemons. Except when the juice came out it was pink!
That can't be right! Cutting the rest of the lemons they all spewed pink juice! Leaning towards the pitcher all I could smell was watermelon. Watermelon juice? But I hate watermelons....alas it matters not. I add the ice since it's already almost too sweet and drink the liquid. It's not particularly enjoyable, expected, or anticipated but it's still something to drink.
One of these days I will be able to enjoy lemonade again. Until then I will continue to gather my lemons and hope that one day my watermelon juice will become lemonade.

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