A/N: Eh..

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So, I didn't get the chapter done TmT... But imma give you incorrect quotes cuz, bored!

Me: What if... I punt it?
Sapnap: Don't punt the child, Endeer..
Me: What if I set it on fire..?
Karl: Bee n-
Sapnap: D O. I T.
Michael: Speaks Piglin
Tubbo: Speaks Piglin back
Tommy: Confused
Ghostbur: TOMMY!
Alivebur: Welp, I'm back.
Tommy: *In tears but confused* Wait, wat?-
Sally: Fundy, What's wrong?
Fundy: Uncle Tommy says I can't call papa "papa wilby"..
Sally: and why not?
Tommy in the distance: ITS MY THING!
Ender/Bee (me): Which should I make? A Karlnapity Oneshots, A Karlnapity story, a Dnf story, etc.
My best friend: Dnf and Karlnapity story.
Me: Oh really? (Makes Oneshots)
Welp, that's it. I can't really think of much more :'] Anyways, I'll get that chapter out soon!- love you, you beautiful people! Byeeeeeeeeeee!-

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