Angst! Childe...?~ Tuecer

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Another day in Snezhnaya.

You were visiting Tuecer for a bit. After the dreadful day that occurred, you tried to visit the young boy as often as you could. Always having a gift for him when you come to see him.

You knocked on his door. Waiting for a reply. "Who is it?" The soft voice of Tuecer comes from the other side. "It's me Tuecer, y/n."

You heard some thud from his room, "Tuecer?? Are you alright?" You got a bit worried. "Y-yes I'm fine! Come in."

You opened the door to the young ginger standing up looking at you. You smiled softly as he started running up to you.

Once he was in your reach, you brought him into a hug and ruffled his hair. You pushed his hair behind his ears and your heart dropped as you saw him wearing someone else's earring.

"So you finally decided to wear it? I'm glad." Yes, the sight of the earring hurt you, but after months of Tuecer refusing to wear the piece of jewelry, it did bring you happiness.

He seemed to have taken notice of how upset you looked. "Y/n? Is everything alright? You look a bit sad..." you quickly shook your head and caressed his cheek. "I'm alright. I'm just happy seeing you wearing his earring."

You truly did not wish to have Tuecer see you cry again. But you were still heartbroken over the incident. And seeing his earring made a whole wave of sadness hit.

Your throat felt dry and tight as you were fighting tears.

As he got older, he started to look more just like his older brother. They even had emotionless expressions most of the time.

Although, Tuecer being like this has a different reason from how it was for Ajax.

The two of you stood in silence as you were slowly holding onto him tighter. "I'm sorry." You barely spoke as loud as a whisper.

Tuecer looked up and saw tears forming in your eyes. "I'm so sorry Tuecer." He stayed silent and held onto you closer. "I'm sorry I should've protected your brother properly... just like I promised." He shook his head as his eyes dropped at your words.

You swore to Childe that you would never tell Tuecer who he truly was.

You couldn't fully tell Tuecer the reason behind his brother's passing since it involved the fatui. He failed his duty as the number 11th of The Harbingers. It was during a big mission. He messed up and it was not taken lightly by the higher-ups. Which lead to his fate.

You were the first to know of his death. Since you were given his earring, vision, and scarf. It was Childe's final request before he passed, he wanted you to give the earring to 'him'. That person being his brother.

You, on the other hand, got his scarf that he always had on over his jacket. And what were his remains of his vision.

The higher-ups believed they got rid of him and everything he wore but, some members of the fatui had a liking towards Tartaglia and knew about you and his brother. So they gave you what they could grab.

It was a complete shock to you being given these items from him but you saw that they were still hurt as well.

One thing about Tuecer is that he knew how close you were to his brother. He even saw you as a long-lost sibling. He adored you as much as his brother did to you.

Although the young boy has other siblings, you still swore to yourself and Childe, that you'll watch over him and the rest of the family.

You two were hugging in silence for a few minutes.

"Hey... why don't we go outside for a bit? It's not too cold so let's take a walk around town." You softly stroked his hair back as you finally spoke. "I wouldn't mind. Thank you y/n. But..." his voice trailed off.

"May we go visit his grave? I want the three of us to have a fun conversation together! I wanna tell him about all the gifts you got me!" He looked up at you with excitement yet tears ran down his cheeks.

Even though he was hurting like you. He tried to smile just to make you hopefully return a smile back.

"Of course bud, I'm sure he's waiting for us to return. How about we go on that walk after?" He nodded and went to get his jacket. You collected your coat as well and got gloves for the two of you in case.

The two of you headed off to visit Ajax again.

Once you two reached the grave. You felt as if he was sitting right there. Waiting for you. You could picture his smile at the sight of you and his dear younger brother.


Please keep in mind you do not have any sort of relationship with Tuecer! You watch over him like an older sibling. Nothing more. Also, this does not mean any other one-shots involving Childe means he's still dead.
Anywayssss, have a good day/night :D <3

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