Fine ass yonce

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She had me screaming loudly as she was deep inside me fucking my guts up , she talking about she wanna marry me and have kids with me and all this other shit . damn I am going for it the dick to good Frl ion even know how I'm taking this much shit she hitting my g spot snd I'm cumming .

Nicki looks up at me with a smirk as she watch me cum and then she came deep inside of me with some more thrust fuck why the dick so good and the strokes have me screaming . Now when you get here you think how the fuck did she even get into this well I have to take you a few weeks back before weezy was all in my guts

A few weeks back ...

Bey was in the hospital for a while with a few people checking on her they claim she freaked out but they didn't know bey had an disord called Agoraphobia and that is a rare type of anxiety disorder . If you have this it keeps you from the world sometimes and other people . And you avoid some places cus it makes you feel trapped from what I don't know ask your doctor lmaooo*

Nicki POV ; I walk in it's this fine ass girl on the bed I ain't never seen before but I came here because she has a disorder and the doctors told me to make sure she's good but in my hands she go be just fine

I walk to her * miss can I help you with anything are you okay and she looks at me and a soft smile "yeah your number and me out of here "* I shake my head * I can't do neither of those but you will be out in a while I promise give it two days maybe "alright well how about something to eat and ion want no hospital food* I smile and I shake my head fuck it for her she can get what she want " alright shorty what you want *I say and she giggles and blush " um get me some chocolate and some chips with juice and milk and then some chicken * damn shorty can eat but I smile at her* alright beautiful I got you * I go to get her some food but I think about her like damn but then I remember I got a girlfriend!!! .Ughh this not fair why I find the fine bitches after I get with someone but she ain't been vibing with me recently so ion know

I get me and shorty stuff and then I come back when she sees the food her face light up and after that she told me to stay and talk to her and since ain't no one else call me for nun . So I stayed and talked to shorty and it was a vibe and connection damn and her voice turns me on .making me hard and shit and then she go put her hand on my hand like I will fuck her right here and then my girlfriend called but I ain't answering til shorty get some sleep .

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