Female Bartender: Coming right up.

(She quickly grabs for a tall glass, and a large bottle of water. She pours it into the glass.)

Akechi: .....

Female Bartender: There ya go!

(She serves it to Akechi.)

Akechi: Thanks!

Female Bartender: My pleasure.

(Akechi removes his face mask as he quickly chugs down the water. He then slams the glass down to the counter after finishing it.)

Akechi : *pant* *pant*

Yakuza member: ..... Hey, you.

(Akechi looks at the yakuza member, receiving his attention.)

Yakuza member: You look like you're not from around here. Where the hell are ya from?!

Female Bartender: Tomizawa-san! Please, be kind. It's his first time here and you're making him feel uneasy.

Akechi: I- It's fine. Uhm..... I'm from Gunma-

Tomizawa: Bullshit! You ooze of a Tokyo man!

(Akechi slightly becomes nervous over Tomizawa's remarks.)

Akechi: .....

Tomizawa: Tch- I don't know what's making me tick but there is something around ya that I can just smell. What's yer name?

Female Bartender: Tomizawa- I think its best if you lay it off. You're getting ahead-

Tomizawa: SHUT IT! Now, answer my question.

Akechi: K-... Keisuke. Kei for short if you like.

(Tomizawa takes a clear look at Akechi's face.)

Tomizawa: Alright Kei. You know, ya awfully look like that..... detective kid everyone used to yap about until he died or sumthin'.

Akechi: !

Tomizawa: Ehhh! Whatever! I just don't like the look of ya. We don't take youngsters like you around here.

Akechi: I'm well aware of that, sir. I won't be standing in your way ever again.

Tomizawa: Kids oughta learn. Why don't we take it outside?!

Female Bartender: Tomizawa!

Tomizawa: Now!

(Akechi gulped in response. The two stand up from the chairs and walked outside. Akechi slowly becomes anxious as the bartender follows. The two then stand apart from the rain.)

Tomizawa: The Yakuza ain't to be messed with! And you, kid? You just messed my peacetime in the bar!

Female Bartender: Tomizawa, enough!

(Tomizawa charges onto Akechi.)

Akechi: !

Shin Megami Tensei: Dark Phantom [UNDER REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now