Chapter 2

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"Hello?" Harry answers breathlessly into the phone. His fellow co-workers give a subtle stare as he rapidly leaves his desk and stands in the empty hallway of the office building.

"Um, hi." His heart thuds in his chest hearing Louis on the other line. The tone of his voice tells Harry that something isn't right.

"Are you okay, Lou? What's going on?" Harry asks quickly. This is the third or fourth time this week that Louis has called during work. It doesn't bother Harry, it just makes him worried.

"Nothing, I'm fine...I'm sorry." I'm sorry. Those are the same two words that he says every-time he calls. It makes Harry even more anxious because what could he possibly be sorry for? Calling? Interrupting work? Louis knows he doesn't have to be sorry for either of those two things.

"It's okay love. How about we do something tonight? I can leave work early and we can go out." Harry suggests, wanting an excuse to get home early and make sure Louis is alright.

"You don't have to do that, Harry." He replies, not wanting him to lose his job or anything.

"Too late, I'm coming home. See you soon." Harry ends the call and shoves his phone back into his pocket. He tiredly runs a hand through his hair, while leaning against the wall.

"Louis, again?" Harry nods, a small sigh escaping his lips. Zayn, who just came back inside from his routine cigarette break, frowns. The pair have been close co-workers and friends ever since Harry got the job about a year ago. Zayn also knows a lot about Louis and his struggles, due to Harry's constant chatter about the boy.

"M' Sorry, mate. Things will get better." He comforts, giving Harry a pat on the shoulder.

"I've got to get home, do you mind faxing over the papers on my desk? I'll handle the rest tomorrow."

"I'll take care of it. Go." Zayn replies, "Louis is more important."

Well, Harry certainly can't argue with that.

"Hey, Is everything alright?" Niall tiredly sets the pile of dishes down onto the counter, bleakly nodding to the voice he knows belongs to Liam.

"I'm just tired. Working all of these extra hours is taking its toll." He replies before starting to wipe down one of the empty tables.

"I bet. Why are you working so much anyways?" Liam wonders, while grabbing a rag to help clear tables. Niall and Liam have been friends for the past six months, ever since Liam was hired at the diner.

Niall shrugs, "Just lots of bills I have to stay on top of." He doesn't like talking much about Harry and the state he's in, it only provokes more questions being asked that Niall doesn't want to answer.

"We should hang out sometime. You know, like we did a few months ago? It seems like you could really use a drink." Liam states and Niall nods.

"Yeah, Are you doing anything tonight?" He asks suddenly, it is a Friday after-all.

"No." Liam shakes his head, "I was just going to stay in."

"Well, if you want I've got plenty to drink back at the flat. I was going to order a pizza or something. You're welcome to join me." Niall offers. He can't remember the last time he actually had plans on a Friday night. Niall doesn't bother asking Harry because this is one of the few friends he has had in a long time. It's Niall's flat too, therefore he can have whoever he wants over. And if Harry doesn't like it, well, that's too bad.

Liam smiles. "Alright, I'll meet you there."


Harry had been in and out of a light slumber all afternoon. It's rare that he sleeps through the whole night without being waken up by a nightmare, so he prefers to stay up most of the night and doze during the day. He actually manged to fall into quite a deep sleep until loud noises interrupted his somewhat peaceful state...talking, at that.

Who the hell would Niall be bringing over the flat at this time? He never comes home from work with company.

Harry hesitantly sits up and adjusts the sweatshirt he's wearing, making sure the hood isn't inside out. After hearing more of Niall's obnoxiously loud laugh, he debates wether he should stay in his room or go out into the living-area. He's not one to socialize, but it's not everyday Niall comes home with a friend. It must be someone important.

"-HA! And then the guy asked me to change the order for the third time! Who does he think he is? I didn't even get a tip!" He hears Niall's voice echoing off the thin walls as he creeps down the small hallway.

"You know, sometimes- Oh!" Harry glances at Niall, who stops mid conversation once he is spotted. He then looks over to the person lounging on the couch next to Niall. And at that moment, it's as if time has froze.

"Didn't think I'd see you out here!" Niall exclaims, completely oblivious to what is about to go down. "This is Liam, he works at the diner. Liam, this is Harry."

Harry tries to open his mouth to say something in return, but nothing comes out. This can't be happening. He begs to himself over and over. This can't be happening.

"...Styles?" Liam wonders aloud, "I thought you looked familiar." He takes a brief pause and shakes his head before continuing, "Damn, I haven't seen you in years! How'd you end up here?"

Harry sends Niall a warning glare, while uncomfortably shifting in his place. He knows he won't be able to control what comes out of his mouth for very long. But then again, why should he care what Liam thinks of him after everything he's done?

"It's none of your business." He dismisses shortly.

"I understand." Liam replies coolly before asking, "Do you still hang around with that kid? You two seemed pretty close. I think his name was Logan or something... If you have his number, I would love to chat with him and maybe give him an apology. I was such an ass back then, Harry. I owe you an apology too."

Niall gives both of them a 'what the fuck is going on' kind of look and doesn't dare say a word. Harry remains silent while staring at a completely confused Liam who's scared he may have said something wrong. And he has never been more right.

"Get out." Harry bitterly states, losing any patience he may have had with the older boy.

"Harry-" Niall begins, but immediately gets cut-off. He has no idea what's gotten into him.

"Get the hell out of this flat or I will call the police." The acrimonious words slice through the air like a knife, making the tension in the room unbearable. Liam starts to rise from the couch while sharing unsure looks with Niall.

"Harry, let's talk for a minute." Niall quickly pulls the flustered boy aside before anything else can happen. This is not the first time he's acted this way.

"What is your problem now, mate?" Niall demands once the two are in Harry's room where Liam can't hear. That is, if he hasn't left yet...

"You treat me like I'm a ten-year-old." Harry rolls his eyes before continuing, "I don't want Liam in this flat, Niall. I'm serious. I'll get a damn restraining order if I have to."

Niall chuckles, "What is the big deal? Liam is a great guy. Obviously you two didn't get on that well in the past, but I'm sure he's changed-"

"No, you don't get it." Harry harshly interrupts. Changed. Liam will never change. He thought he could waltz right in here, to Harry's flat, with nothing but a lame apology. Was it shame, embarrassment, regret? Well, it's a little too late for that.
A simple apology will never fix all of the damage he's already done to Harry's life. Liam's words will never be able to bring back the past...

Harry shakes his head angrily. "He's part of the reason my boyfriend is dead, Niall. He's one of many that bullied him the first three months before we met. He contributed to all of the self-hatred, depression, and suicidal thoughts." Harry spits every word as if it were a disease. The tone of his voice keeps rising and cracking due to all of the pent up emotions. By the time he utters out the final sentence, he's in tears.
"He did that Niall, he t-took him away from m-me."

A/N: This chapter is so crappy, I tried re-writing it 3 times. I hope you guys find it a little better than I do.
Thanks for reading so far! (: x

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