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Alex rushed in his house to see broken beer bottles every where and he saw Melissa and Alyssa hiding in a corner with a couple of cuts on both of them, he saw his mom and dad fighting but what made his blood boil is that his dad was about to hit his mom with a beer bottle

Alex ran as fast as he could and blocked him mom from getting hit with the bottle but in exchange it hit him. "WHAT THE ABSOLUTE FUCK DAD?! WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HITTING MOM?! CAN'T YOU FUCKING SEE THAT YOU ARE SCARING THEM?!" alex yelled "THEY FUCKING STARTED IT THE DAMN WOMAN DIDN'T MAKE ME FOOD AND TOLD ME TO STOP DRINKING SO MUCH!" Andy yelled back "WELL THINK ABOUT THIS, YOUR SCARING MELISSA AND ALYSSA YOU ARE HITTING MOM, THERE IS BROKEN BOTTLES EVERY WHERE ALYSSA AND MELISSA HAVE CUTS FROM GLASS ALL OVER THEM! LIKE FOR ONCE CONTROL YOUR FUCKING ANGER!" Alex yelled "OH MY GOD STUPID CHILD IT'S NOT MY FAULT IF WENDY STARTED IT!" Andy yelled "ugh... Mom take aly and lissy to my room there is a key on my bed look around for something unusual and once you find it stay there" Alex said looking behind his shoulder to his mom "b-but you'll get hurt!" Wendy said hesitating "ma I will be fine just go" Alex said while looking back at his dad, those three ran to Alexs rooma rooms did what he said "look listen old man I don't wanna fight you but you left me no chose" Alex said while punching his face "OW!" Andy yelled I pain, Alex kept hitting Andy till he was on the ground "not.. So strong now.. Are ya?" Alex said tying to catch his breath "son.. Come closer" Andy said Alex did not listen but Andy dragged him down "listen to me when I talk to you" Andy said while punching Alexs stomach "ouch!" Alex said trying to get back up, Andy stood up and kicked Alex down "listen I am stronger then you"andy said crouching down while grabbing something out of his pocket "bad things happen to bad boys" Andy said grabbing a knife and putting it to Alex's left eye "wait  whoa whoa dad please don't I will do anything" Alex said begging  "to bad" Andy said while cutting Alex eye, Alex screamed in pain "your screams sound so good" Andy said "y-y-ou li-ttle b-b-itch" Alex said trying to hold back his cries, Alex use some of his last strength to get back up and managed to take the knife away from his dad and stabbed his arm, his dad fainted

After that Wendy took andy to the police and took Alex to the hospital it has been 3 weeks sense that happened, Alex is still in the hospital and his family has not visited in a while

"Just let me through my friend is in here!" Alex heard a muffled voice outside his door "fine but you can only visit for 15 minutes" Alex heard another voice say, his hospital door burst open and came in was Haru "h-haru?!" Alex said looking at him "oh my god Alex! What happened?!" Haru said rushing over to his hospital bed "... Me and my dad got into a fight and it turned physical... But I'm fine now!" Alex said "no your not fine! You have  big scar on your eye!" Haru said worriedly "they are letting me go in two days, when I get out of the hospital they won't let me go back to my house for some reason.. But uh c-can I go to your house?" Alex said looking away trying not to blush "y-yeah of course lex!" Haru said blushing

When alex got out of the hospital

Haru came to pick up alex, they both went to haru's house "thank you for letting me staying here har-har!" Alex said while getting into the car "no problem shortie, and looks like you gave me a new nick name" Haru said starting the car and driving away "heh yeah looks like I did!" Alex said looking over at haru, Haru smiled at alex and put on some music

At Haru's house

"WHA?!- IT'S SO BIG!" Alex said getting out of the car "heh I know" Haru said getting out of the car and locking it "c'mon c'mon I wanna go inside!!!" Alex said basically jumping with excitement "alright lets go follow me" Haru said while walking inside Alex followed him inside "wow! Your living room is beautiful har-har!" Alex said looking around "heh thanks shortie" Haru said "I'm not short! Your just tall! And your only like a foot taller than me!" Alex said walking back over to Haru "Mhm sure but anyways do you want a tour?" Haru said smiling "yes please!" Alex said jumping with excitement "alright follow me" Haru said walking away

After the tour (cause I dunno how to do that part) 

"Wow your house is actually bigger than I expected!" Alex said sitting down on the couch "thanks shortie just don't get lost in it" Haru said sitting next to Alex "Mhm I won't! But um do you want me to make some food?" Alex asked "Mhm sure can you just make me a steak?" Haru said back to Alex "of course har-har!" Alex said standing up and heading to the kitchen

After they ate (cause I'm lazy) 

"Sooooooooooo what should wed on har?" Alex asked "hmmm I dunno I was gonna go to bed" Haru said back to Alex "awww ok" Alex said "well night har!" Alex said "night alex!" Haru said while walking to his room Alex also walked to his room and was on his phone all night with out realising, he heard a knock on his door and walked to the door and opened it "oh hey har what's up?" Alex said signing for him to come and sit down Haru came in and sat on Alex's bed with him "oh I was just seeing if you were awake" Haru said back to Alex  "oh alright! So uh what do you want to do?" Alex asked Haru "hmm I dunno just talk?" Haru replied

After talking for a while

Alex kept zoning out and ended up falling on haru's chest acaccidentally  "a-alex?" Haru sqeeked out while looking down and blushing 

That is it for part three

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