The Coffee Mix Up

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Casey woke up at exactly 6:38 am to a text. A text from Chase Atwood. It read Coffee - Venti iced mocha with almond milk. I want to see it when I see you.

He looked at his phone, still groggy. At first he wondered where the hell his boss got his phone number. Then it dawned on him - it was literally on the application form. Then it dawned on him that he had a famous persons phone number.

He had the Uber drop him off at a Starbucks about 5 minutes away from his bosses office. That's right. This job was making Casey enough that he could afford to take an Uber everyday. He'd honestly wondered why people had been willing to quit such a well paying job over a little bit of gas.

He read and reread his bosses text, making sure he said the order correctly. He flipped his wrist to check the time on his watch. He was 5 minutes early, he thought smuggly as he took the elevator up to Chases office.

He knocked on the door awaiting an answer.

" Come in!", he yelled through the door. Casey pushed open the door to see his boss in a similar position to the day before, zoned out on his phone. He placed the coffee on Chases desk causing him to look up.

" Thanks... your sure you got almond right? I can't have milk.", he said blankly, returning back to his previous state.

" I'm sure sir - look." , Casey said turning the cup. The box for "almond" was checked on the back. Little did he know the barista didn't care as much about his bosses order as he did.

2 hrs later

Chase had Casey sending responses to his fan mail. He sighed casually copying and pasting the same generic response, occasionally changing a few sentences depending on what the fam wrote.

" Wow this is really what celebrities do with their fans", he thought bitterly before his train of thought was interrupted a loud gurgle and an even louder groan coming from the direction of his boss. He decided to politely ignore the groan until it was followed by an even longer, equally as loud groan.

" Uh... are you doing alright sir?", he asked sheepishly.

The man groaned again. " Fuck.... No my stomachs killing me. Are you sure you got almond milk?"

Casey nodded his head confused. " Yeah I'm sure...." He said hesitantly.

Chase ran a hand through his slightly sweaty hair. " They must have marked it that way and put in the wrong milk anyway", he sighed.

" I'm going to need your help with something... your not going to like it....", he gestured Casey over to him. He was laid out on a flat red piece of furniture near his desk. Casey made his way over to his boss suspicious of what he was going to ask of him.

" I need you to rub my stomach. I have a ton of gas and I can't get it moving myself."

Casey stared at the man infront of him in complete awe. There was no way this could be professional.

" W-what... sir I -", he calmed himself a bit and continued. " Are you sure you want me to -"

Chase snapped. " Yes, start quickly please as you can see this isn't comfortable."

Casey sat beside chase, his legs facing his bosses backside. He reached a hand over his stomach and began rubbing in a circular motion. He felt the man practically melt at his touch. He blushed, his face became red hot. After about a minute he heard a soft gurgling out emit from Chase.  Casey felt his ab muscles tense before a concerningly wet sounding fart blasted from Chases ass directly onto his crotch.


" A-Ah - oh god that felt good.", he said nearly moaning the words.

Casey could barely look at him. He couldn't believe his boss had just ripped ass right on him. He felt a tingly sensation there, and he began worrying more for the integrity of his pants own rather than his bosses. He stopped pulling his hand away

" No don't stop.", Chase said eagerly as Casey slowly positioned his hand back. He let out a few warm, quiet puffs against Casey. Both the smell in the room and the pressure in his pants were nearly unbearable. This went on for about 10 minutes before Chase let out deep rumbling fart, that would have been super loud if it hadn't been muffled by hos and Casey's jeans. The man was his own personal vibrator. A thick smell wafted up to his nose, and if he was being honest he didn't even want to cover it.

" Shit that one was bad.", Chase said chuckling. " Sorry"

" I-it's ok sir", he said his voice trembling as Chase let out the wettest sounding blast yet. Casey unfortunately let something out at this time too. He panicked as Chase shot up from his original position.

Fuck had he noticed what he did? Casey wondered. I instead Chase skipped towards the bathroom, letting a few bubbly farts slip through his clenched cheeks.

" Good job. How about you go home early today." He muttered already halfway into the bathroom.

" Thank you!"

Casey sighed in relief as he stared at the wetness he left on his bosses couch. He looked around for something to clean the mess and something to tie around his waist. He had no idea how much longer he'd be able to deal with this. Or how he was going to look chase in the eyes again anytime soon

Preview for the next chapter : Casey try's to hide his bosses gas from his fans, all while trying to hide his fetish from his boss

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