First Day on the Job

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Casey nervously twiddled their fingers in the back seat of their Uber. They'd tried to look both casual and professional, failing at both. Casey wore black slacks and a white button down. They wanted to make a good first impression on their new boss. Chase Atwood. THE Chase Atwood. The devilishly handsome and extremely talented movie star that had been all over the internet in the past few years.

Casey honestly couldn't believe they'd landed the job. How could a sophomore in college have landed such a high level job, there had to have been many much more qualified applicants. That being said, he wasn't going to gift horse in the mouth.

The Uber pulled up right infront of a tall building with many floors. Casey stepped out of the car and entered, staring at the front desk. A woman with a neat top knot glanced up at you and gave a friendly wave.

"Hi! You must be Mr. Atwood's new assistant" she said rolling her chair back a bit so she could reach one of the many buttons behind her. The clicked it and spoke clearly into the mic above.

" I'm sending someone up for you."

Casey nodded their head stiffly. " Right. Thank you."They said looking around in confusion. They had no idea where to go. The woman looked over at them sympathetically. She glanced around the room and then back over at Casey.

" Here I'll show you to his office."

She lead them to an elevator where she pressed the "7" button. They walked together down the hall of the floor, Mr. Atwood's being at the end. She knocked on the door for him, quickly leaving before he could open it. Casey was confused as to why she seemed to be in such a hurry after she knocked.

They heard a voice on the other side of the wall.

" Come on in!"

They twisted, then pushed the metal door knob. The office was spacious. A man, planted in his phone was sat at the desk in the back of the room. He had one leg over the other knee, creating a triangle. He had long, almost shoulder length, platinum blonde hair. His roots were nearly black. His long fingers were covered in silver rings of various designs. After an uncomfortably long wait he looked to Casey, turning to face their direction. He had cool grey eyes. He looked them up and down.

" Woah someone's fancy."

He laughed at his own joke. To be fair the man was wearing a grey hoodie and sweatpants. Casey had definitely over dressed. They looked down at their outfit, a bit embarrassed by their new bosses observation.

" Here you sit there"

He directed when he was finally done cracking himself up. He leaned across his desk and stuck and large hand out. Casey awkwardly shook his hand.

" Casey right?"

He said eyeing them up and down.

" How should I refer to you... or what should I call you by or whatever?"

Casey looked at him a bit confused before he realized what he was saying

" Oh however you want sir - I go by anything", they said nervously. Casey tended to sacrifice his own comfort for others, but atleast he was telling the truth despite how it sounded.

" Alright. Cool.", Chase said " Normally I just go by Chase, but sir has a nice ring to it." He grinned impishly. The grin would have looked dumb if he wasn't so handsome.

" So how are you." He asked Casey, eyeing him intently.

" I'm good sir, how are you." They answered quickly.

" Good. So you pretty much already know what this job entails. Grabbing coffee, picking up orders, talking phone calls, driving me places, etc"

He said flippantly. " There are a few more specific things, but we'll get to those as they come up."

Suddenly as Chase was laying out Casey's responsibilities, a rancid smell began to fill the room. They panicked wondering if they had accidentally let one go. They had never done that before, but there was no way the man infront of them had just -

Casey sniffed, trying to be as discreet as possible.

" I'm a pretty simple man -"

Chase broke his sentence noticing Casey's sniffing and confused expression.

" Oh my bad. You'll have to get used to that to be my assistant..... by the way cause there's plenty more of where that came from."

He said, scrunching his nose and letting loose a monster of a fart.


" Ahhhhh" he sighed in relief patting his stomach.

" I think I've held that in the polite 5 minutes."

He laughed again evilly at his own joke as Casey began blushing wildly. They wasn't quite sure of he was completely disgusted or ... aroused. They gave a fake sounding laugh as Chase continued what he was talking about before. Not that Casey could pay any attention to what was being told to them. Chase continued to let of silent but deadlies like it was nothing. The room felt as if it had a thick green fog filling it. The smell of rotten eggs was inescapable, and Casey wasn't even sure he wanted to escape it.

Their boss lifted his leg to let off another loud fart, barely even pausing his sentence.


"....and yeah that's pretty much it. You start tomorrow, wear some normal clothing please."

He said pointing to Casey's outfit.

" Oh and by the way, good job pretending not to notice my gas. The last one puked in my trash bin and I needed a new one."

He looked almost proud when he said this. Casey wondered how no one had heard about how gassy Chase Atwood was.

" The best part is that you can't even tell anyone.", he laughed manically. " It's in the NDA you signed when you got the job."

He slammed his hand on the desks " Anyways I'll see you bright and early tomorrow. Get out." He said, seemingly only half kidding.

Casey left the office shocked and quite flustered. No wonder it was so easy to get the job. Everyone else has quit. Not Casey though. They refused to let a little bit of gas make them lose out on this opportunity. Not matter how much it turned them on....

Next part preview : Casey try's to hide his bosses gas from his fans, all while trying to hide his fetish from his boss

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