Himawaris love life

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Himawari was the miracle child after Boruto Naruto wanted a baby girl so bad . Hinata and Naruto tried for a baby but for some reason she didn't get pregnant . When hinata got pregnant Naruto screamed  in joy and cried Boruto did too it got awkward after he asked how did they get the baby .

" DADDY " 3 year old Himawari always welcomed Naruto after hard missions which made Naruto happy. Boruto would jump on him that was his way of saying " Welcome home old man " .

" Hey babygirl " Naruto picked Himawari up after slamming Boruto on the couch after he tried to fight him for the 10th time this week .

" How was your day " Himawari smiled

" good where's your mom " Naruto asked

" I'm in the kitchen " Hinata yelled

" did you go to the meeting for me ? " Naruto kissed her cheek . Hinata wasn't just a housewife she was Naruto's assistant too

" yeah they said the highest price was 100,000 " Hinata whispered

" That's a lot of money can I have some ? " Himawari smiled

" Girl " Hinata laughed

" Me too I could use some more toys " Boruto came in

"  Boruto I just took you shopping " Naruto sighs

" So ? Your point is " Boruto smiles

" Boy no I'm not buying you nothing but school supplies because you start school next week' Naruto shakes his head

" Damn it " Boruto sits down

" Boruto who taught you that " Hinata turned around

" Is it a good word or a bad word " Himawari asked

" Bad " Boruto says

" oh well bad bolt " Himawari shakes her head

" Anyways Hima you can have two dollars of the 100,000 " Naruto gives Himawari two dollars

" you think I'm stupid ? You could at least give me 50$ you can buy a whole house or a car with that money and you give me two dollars?!?!  " At a early age Hinata taught Himawari how to handle money because

" Never be dependent on a man ok ? " Hinata says

" ok mommy " Himawari smiles

" well excuse me Here you go " Naruto laughs

" Can I go shopping with my 50$ with sarada ? " Himawari asks

" yeah let me call Sasuke " Naruto grabs his phone

Dobe - you think Himawari can come over and play with sarada  ?

Time-  yeah you need to come over anyways I have a important business deal to tell you about

Dobe -  Himawari thinks she's rich cause I gave her 50$ 😂

Time - Sarada had me give her 100 because she did my hair and nothing is cheap 😂

Dobe - 😭 I'm on the way

" Bolt do you wanna come with me and hima to Sasuke house " Naruto asks

" yeah Sasuke said he will teach me how to shoot a gun " Boruto gets up

" No the fuck he's not teaching you that " Hinata looks at Naruto

" language baby " Naruto laughs

When Himawari was about to start her first day of middle school . Naruto made sure Himawari had all the fly clothes, dresses etc he went all out for Himawari and borutos first day of school also they adopted Kawaki . But the night before when Himawari got done picking out  her outfit they gave Himawari the " talk"

" Never ever get pregnant " Hinata smiles

" don't kiss boys , In 6th grade boys don't take showers "  Naruto shakes his head

" Dad that's the most dumbest shit you said all year " Boruto sat next to hima

" Language " Hinata throws a shoe at him

" anyways always bring a pad with you "Hinata says

" gross " Boruto walks away

" Um yeah what your mama said anyways take a pocket knife with you everywhere you go " Naruto says

" NARUTO " Hinata screams

" what  ? I have to make sure my baby girl is protected " Naruto screams back

" What the fuck are y'all talking about ? " Kawaki walks in

" Embarrassing stuff you don't wanna know" Himawari looks at him

" Anyways Himawari I love you and make us proud " Naruto kisses her forehead

Flashback ended

" Dad " Himawari calls Naruto crying

" What's wrong " Naruto stops everything he's doing

" Inojin just broke up with me " Himawari cry's harder

" where are you ? "  Naruto goes downstairs

" at the uchiha beach house " Himawari cry's

" I'm coming " Naruto sighs

So I'm next chapter Sarada will be four months and they will have the photoshoot 😏

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