Peer pressure

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Boruto, Kawaki , Inojin, Himawari,  Sarada and Cho Cho . Are in a car blasting music and doing things they know damn well they shouldn't  be doing , Their  parents think they are upstairs will they get caught ?  Will Himawari fall into peer pressure and stop being so perfect

" We should go to a arcaded place " Cho Cho suggests

" We should and after we can get a hotel " boruto adds

" Can y'all turn the music down " Sarada asks

" Why huh ? " Boruto asks back

"  BECAUSE IM DRIVING BECAUSE IM THE ONLY ONE WITH A PERMIT TO DRIVE " Sarada screams at boruto as he turns the Music down a little

" Ok ok chill princess " Boruto says

" Gross " Kawaki looks at the romantic couple

" Himawari fell asleep " Inojin admires Himawari as she sleeps on his lap

" Himawari always falls asleep anyways I'm finna smoke put the window down " Kawaki pulls out ( whatever but not a cigarette )

" Kawaki not the time  Himawari is sleeping " boruto looks back

" That's the perfect time ? " Kawaki looks confused

" She don't need to be inhaling that shit " Boruto says

" yeah I guess " Kawaki throws it out

" Himawari is  one years younger then y'all and Himawari is cool why can't y'all smoke around her ? " Cho Cho asks

" Because We don't want Himawari getting any ideas " Boruto Answers

They make it to the Arcade and see another group of teenagers  and Kawaki sees a cute fine black girl

" look he's staring at you Lany " Lanys cousin whispers
This is Lany

" look he's staring at you Lany " Lanys cousin whispers This is Lany

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"  He's hot " Lany thinks staring at him

" That girl is staring at you " boruto smirks at Kawaki

" She's so pretty " Himawari walks up to her

" HIMAWARI " Kawaki screams

" hi you are so pretty " Himawari says

" Thanks you too love your dress " Lany smiles

" Thanks come with us " Himawari grabs her arm and drags her to Kawaki

" This is boruto my air head brother , this is Sarada my friend aka borutos girlfriend,  This is Cho Cho my friend , And Kawaki  my brother he's  single by the way.

" Himawari did you have to say I'm single  " Kawaki blush's

" I mean yeah I think " Himawari laughs

" Let's all hang out I mean we don't have much to do " Cho Cho says

"  Let's play laxer tag " Himawari says

" Hima you mean laser tag ?  " Boruto asks

" Sure I'm down "   Lany laughs

" sure " Lanys cousin laughs too

Three hours later

" YOU BIG BITCH " Himawari yells as Kawaki keeps trying to kill her ( they are playing laser tag )

" Damn Sarada wtf we supposed to be on the same team and you kill me ?! " boruto says

" AH " Lany screams

" HAHAH " Inojin laughs

" don't you kill my cousin " Lanys cousin shots the laser gun

"  DIE , DIE , DIE " Kawaki shooting random people

After laser tag

" So y'all trying to get high " Kawaki asks

" Nope " Sarada says

" I wasn't asking you Sarada and Himawari "    Kawaki says

"  I want to smoke " Himawari makes the room go quiet

" Himawari why do you want to smoke " boruto asks

" y'all treat her like she's in elementary she's in high school she's only one year younger than y'all " Sarada says

" Y'all baby Himawari so much y'all don't even know her Fr " Cho Cho adds

"  I think Himawari is cool and she's more mature than you Kawaki " Lany adds

" Fine if you want to smoke you can but if it comes down to dad finding out don't throw us under the bus "  Boruto gives Himawari the 🍃

A hour later

" I feel like the sky is on my head " Himawari laughs

"  Kawaki we should exchange numbers " Lany and Kawaki have been flirting and smoking for a hour

" yeah sure "

" Himawari " Inojin kisses Himawari on the lips because they are not in the right mind but Inojin has liked Himawari for a long time

Mafia parents~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें