"Is it going to hurt?" Hiro asked still kind of shaking.

"Honestly, I don't know. But I do need to tie you up, just in case it has any side effects." He said as he put the case on the desk and pulled out some rope.

"Okay..." Hiro said as stopped shaking as bad.
(Even though Inko sold me to him for the night. He is very friendly. Even though he plans on using me as a test subject.)

"Now hold still." He said as he started to tie Hiro to the chair.

"Why are you being so obedient?" He asked as he finished tying the ropes binding Hiro to the chair.

"First of all, Inko sold me to you. So that means you could do anything you want to me for the night and I would rather not get hurt, if I don't need to be. Plus, I'm guessing you would make my brother watch you beat me or whatever if I didn't comply. Honestly, I would rather get what you plan to do to me done without my little brother seeing it." He said with a protective older brother glare.

"Oh... that makes since." He said walking over to the desk.

(What have these two been through that made them act so much older than they are? I know that Hiro is 7 and I'm guessing the other one is either 4 or 5. I hope the side effects are not too bad.) The man thought as he grabbed the knife and needle out of the box.

(I need this drug to work. My daughter is in the hospital and I need the money even if it goes against my beliefs.) He thought as he walked over to Hiro.

"Now Hiro, I need you to tell me if you feel anything after the drug is injected. Even if it is small like if it make you feel colder." He said as he stopped right in front of him.

"Okay. I'm ready. Just get this over with. I can hear Izuku crying and I want to go over to him as soon as I can." He said looking over at the bathroom door.

"Sounds good." He said as he held the knife over Hiro's wrist and cut a long deep line acrossed the vain.

"Sssss..." Hiro winced as blood ran down his arm and dropped on the floor.

(Most people cry or scream. Why did he have barely any response?) He thought looking confused.

"I have been through worse. Just pull up my shirt after you inject that." He said looking at the needle.

"Oh right." He said as he put the knife on the ground and inject the drug into the wound.

"Ahhhh..." Hiro screamed quietly.

(Oh my god. He is covered in scars from being cut and hit multiple times.) He thought as he pull up Hiro's shirt like he told him to.

"It's very painfull." He ground out through the pain.

"Okay, let me grab my notebook out of my bag." The man said a he walked over to his bag and grabbed a notebook and a pen.

"Any other details?" He asked as he started to write notes.

"My wound feels hot and my eyes are starting to hurt." Hiro said as he started crying blood.

"That is new." He said as he continued to observe and write in his notebook.

"My vision is going blurry and wound is hurting less." Hiro said as the cut on his arm started to close.

"The wound is closing that is awesome. Now let see what the side effects will be." The man said with his eyes sparkling.

"Can I close my eyes for a bit, they hurt and they would feel better if I close them." Hiro asked trying hard to keep his eyes open.

"Yes. You can. Just open them every few minutes."

His Last Hope - A Vigilante Texting StoryWhere stories live. Discover now