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"I need you more than you need me."

"Yeah, I know."

Do you have a person in mind?

No, I don't 'cause I'm not crazy. the redhead thought to himself.

He didn't want to continue reading, but I just drew him in so much. Maybe it was because it didn't exist, or maybe he just felt like it was made by someone in his class.

Kirishima knew that it could be anyone in UA, but his gut just told him that it was someone in his class or at least year. He continued to read.

If you do, then that's great.

If not, then what's the hold up?

What, or who is holding you back?

Are you scared that the people around you might think you're crazy?

Well, you shouldn't.

Those people won't matter once you find your special someone.

All you'll need is them.

Nobody else.

"Damn this book is creepy. Maybe I should've listened to Bakugou and put it down." But he didn't. As I'm sure you all know by now, he continued to read the book. And it continued to mess with his subconscious.

"No, I'm telling you it's under!"

"Who the fuck puts it under? Mina, do you put it under or over?"

"Over, obviously," the pink girl answered.

"See! Only unhinged people put it under."

"Watch who you're calling unhinged, dunce-face," Bakugou interjected. "I put it under."

"Like a crazy person," Sero mumbled, not looking up from his phone.

The group was having an argument about which way the end of the toilet paper is supposed to go. Kirishima never thought that it went under until now, but he felt like he should stick with his newly found 'opinion'.

But it's not an opinion if it's not yours, is it?

"Why would it be under?"

"Because what if you- I don't know, splash water on it or something? You don't want the tip to be all wet."


"That doesn't even make sense. Putting it over saves you so much more time and hassle. If you put it in the back-"


"-then you gotta feed your fingers through the bottom!"


"Okay, Mina, stop."

"My bad g. Someone had to say it."

"And even if you do splash water on it, the whole roll will be wet, so it doesn't matter!"

"Yeah, but still. It just looks better on the bottom."

"Have you been smoking or something?" Sero looked up from his phone, sitting up slightly in his beanbag chair. "That shit looks like unwiped ass if the end's not on top."

"Unwiped ass..." Kirishima mumbled. "It doesn't matter anyway, since it's disposable."

Kirishima felt disposable.

"I mean, I guess you're right. But you're still wrong about it going under," Denki added. "It'll always go over."


Change and adapt.

You reading this book is living proof that humans can do just that.

We are capable of so much more than we think.

Just look at quirks,

We didn't have those before.

Everything we are now as a society is because of change.

Embrace change, and don't be scared of it.

We are capable of so much more than we think.

When you think about it,

The human body is fairly fragile.

I bet you already know this,

But you can bite your finger off like a carrot.

And our bodies are really just flesh and muscle.

You could bite the neck, rip out the artery and it wouldn't be too difficult.

But your brain stops you from doing so.

People always say:

"Mind over matter."

But I say

"Matter Over Mind."

"Holy shit," Kirishima stared blankly at the page, not knowing what to do. He wanted to stop reading, but his body wouldn't let him.

Somebody's fucking with me. This has to be somebody's quirk!


Don't pick up this book.

Don't read it anymore if you don't have a person that you are willing to do anything for.

Don't read anymore if you wouldn't gladly die for that person.

Go to jail for that person.

Kill for that person.

It'll be a waste of your time.

If you find someone,

That's great.

If you have someone,

Even better.

But if you don't?

Put it down now.

a/n - sorry for the short chapter, i haven't uploaded in a while and wanted to get something out! 

K. Eijiro - Want; Need ✓Where stories live. Discover now