★ A Flying Motorbike In A Diamond Sky ★

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Characters = Kuroo (former Ravenclaw, 19) + Tsukishima (7th Year Slytherin)

Plot = Kuroo takes Tsukishima for a spin on his flying motor-bike.


When Tsukishima agreed to take Kuroo's motorbike for a spin, he hadn't expected the thing would actually fly. But he should have learnt a long time ago not to underestimate the avid, former Ravenclaw; so here he was, clinging to Kuroo for dear life, soaring over London with a questionably-cast disillusionment charm hiding him from the unsuspecting Muggle eye.

His face was buried in Kuroo's shoulder, brows furrowed and unwilling to look up, as his arms wrapped tightly around his waist, most likely squeezing the ever-living-daylights out of him. But as Kuroo hollered to the sky above them, hooting laughs and howling shouts as he wove the bike recklessly between the clouds, Tsukishima figured he wasn't squeezing hard enough to shut him up.

He found himself wondering for the umpteenth time how Kuroo had talked him into this. And for the umpteenth time refused to believe it had anything to do with just how good he had looked when he'd asked.

Kuroo always looked good, and it was a fact that Tsukishima was stubborn to ever admitting aloud, but it was more than true that night. He hadn't seen the older boy in months since he still had to serve his seventh year at Hogwarts, but it was a couple weeks into the Summer holidays, and Kuroo had shown up outside his house, proudly revving up his 'baby' and making the engine purr loudly.

Tsukishima had frowned, of course, but still tiptoed outside, surprised that he actually thought the sleek, black motorbike looked kind of cool. Kuroo was patting it fondly like it was some kind of pet, dressed in skinny, leather jeans, an off-white, Weird Sisters t-shirt, and a black-and-white chequered shirt tied around his waist. His thick, black hair was still in desperate need of a brush, but it was the sunset behind him, making the perfect frame for his very attractive profile as he smirked at Tsukishima, that really worked wonders - even more so than his figure in those jeans. The sexy curl of his lips, the sharp cut of his jaw, the irresistible glint of his eyes - the orange glow behind him enhanced it all and Tsukishima was weakened.

Then came the incessant begs for Tsukishima to join him on a test-ride and he simply found himself unable to say no. Not after so many years watching Kuroo, wishing he could get even closer than he already was to one of the most popular characters at Hogwarts.

But he was definitely regretting everything now.

It was dark, Kuroo was crazy, and they were miles away from the ground. Not the friendliest combination, and Tsukishima's stomach was churning as he clutched a little tighter at Kuroo's t-shirt. Kuroo didn't seem to mind, if he even noticed at all, and crowed a little louder as he leaned back, flushing his body against Tsukishima's and resting his head on his shoulder.

"Aw, c'mon Tsukki! You just need to loosen up and live a little!"

"I'd rather do my living on the ground, thank you." Tsukishima mumbled, his words muted slightly by Kuroo's shoulder.

The teasing jab of Kuroo's elbow against his stomach made him glance up; he found Kuroo was looking right at him, or rather he was gazing - eyes hooded and smirk still in place - which made Tsukishima hot and he squirmed a little. At least, that was until he realised no one was watching the sky anymore and he shouted in alarm.

Kuroo flapped his panic away with a lazy swing of his hand, laughing as though he didn't have a care in the world - which, in fairness to him, he probably didn't. "Don't get your knickers in a twist, Tsukki! You're much too young for grey hairs and wrinkles. I've got everything covered, there's nothing to worry ab -" he was cut off by the squawks of a bird and he suddenly swerved the bike backwards into a mid-air somersault.

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