♡ In The Owlery II ♡

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Characters = Bokuto (5th year Gryffindor), Akaashi (4th Year Ravenclaw) + Pochi (Akaashi's owl)

Plot = Bokuto is up in the Owlery again, where he meets a beautiful, new owl. (The Sequel to In The Owlery that no one asked for)

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The click of Bokuto's school shoes was dull and muffled as he dragged his feet up towards the Owlery. His shoulders slumped. His bottom lip pushed out in the faintest pout. His head felt heavy and yet completely blank at the same time. And his insides churned a smidge every odd step.

It probably had something to do with the failing grade he'd received in Potions earlier that afternoon. Kuroo had failed too, of course - their potion had been a little too frothy and ended up bubbling over the sides of the cauldron, seeping into the wood of the table, and the warm vapours exuded from the questionable concoction had made their hair all frizzy - but Bokuto had hoped he'd be able to pull a pass this time after all the effort Iwaizumi had expended into tutoring him. His fellow Gryffindor probably wouldn't take the news all too well and he couldn't face him yet. Besides, he'd really wanted to prove he was competent after what happened the last time he and Kuroo had made a potion together - resulting in half the Potions classroom needing a desperate remodelling.

He grit his teeth and aimed a hard kick at the stone archway of the Owlery, the pain searing through his foot instantaneously, and he clutched at it with a pained cry, followed by a low curse muttered under his breath.

The owls nesting within looked down at him with concern as he hopped further into their midst, cocking their heads to the side and blinking great, glossy eyes. Bokuto paid them no mind, favouring sitting down on the window ledge, whipping off his shoe, and massaging his sore toes beneath the grey cotton of his socks.

He gave a gusty sigh - the weight of which blew a soft, brown feather tumbling from above him into a dizzying whirlwind - and slumped against the arch of the window. He dropped one leg over the side, allowing it to dangle over the green grounds beneath him, and drew the other one to his chest, wrapping an arm around it loosely. His yellow eyes ghosted over the grounds, but he wasn't really looking.

The owls behind him seemed agitated, rustling their feathers restlessly and occasionally squawking. Bokuto allowed a small smile to flash across his face as he realised they were just worried about him. But then the smile melted back into a blank expression as he tilted his head back further and rolled it upwards to stare at the cold, stone bricks flagging the top of the arch.

By the time the commotion suddenly came to a stop, Bokuto had unconsciously let the lids of his eyes droop low enough that he could only see a sliver of grey boring down at him. But he cracked them both open at the silence, glancing first behind him at the owls that seemed to have just relaxed, and then turning to look outside.

A soft smile successfully tugged his lips upwards as he saw Pochi, the beautiful red owl that belonged to an equally beautiful fourth year Ravenclaw, gliding towards the window of the Owlery. Only this time, it wasn't alone.

Another beautiful owl accompanied it, and as they flew closer, Bokuto was able to take the new owl in with more details; its feathers were a myriad of equally distributed brown, white, and golden feathers, with a triangular fraction of pure white between its familiar, dark-green eyes, and its belly was pure white too. It had the same unfairly long eyelashes as Pochi and Bokuto wondered if they were in some way related.

They both swooped low as they drew closer to the Owlery, before hovering at eye-level to Bokuto. He smiled at them, swinging his other leg down beside his first one and holding out both arms so the owls could rest.

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