Chapter 8 - Elodie

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I am completely..


Whoever can punch, slap or kick someone and then get caught red handed and not be phased, is not a human.

I mean like..

I've seen when boys get into fist fights, literally get yanked back by teachers and still manage to look completely in control of their confidence.

Show me your ways boys.

Share the goddamn secrets with me cause I really freaking could've used some assistance at the start of art class.



"Oh my god how am I supposed to face Mr. Grey after that?? How am I supposed to face anyone after that?" I groaned, flailing my arms and wriggling on my bed.

"What is wrong with you?" Lucas's voice slapped me out of my moment and I peeked my face out of my blanket web.

"Nothing" I said.

Then at the silence that followed I relented, "okay fine maybe I'm just really really embarrassed at the moment.."

"Why? What happened?"

"Noth— Okay fine maybe I slapped a guy in the face last period, totally got caught red handed and then stuttered and flailed around like an idiot.."

"You slapped a guy.."

Of course that's where he stopped listening.

"I did. But it was humiliating.."

"But aren't you teachers' favorite? I bet you didn't get detention, I bet you didn't even get in any trouble, instead I bet it was the guy you slapped."

I opened my mouth to counter him, but everything I thought of died at the tip of my tongue and I pouted in shame.

"That's what I thought. Anyway, I'll be out for practice and probably stay at my Antonio's after so don't wait for me."

I blushed when he mentioned Antonio but covered it by rubbing my face with the blanket.

I do not like him although I guess it may be an attraction.. Or something. Or okay maybe it's a slight bit more than attraction..

"Okay whatever. I'm going now," I grunted to let him know I heard him and waited till I was sure he'd left my room.



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