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*Draco x reader*

"HARRY POTTER! HOW DARE YOU!" You belowed, entering the Great Hall at dinner. You just heard what happened in the bathroom and were fuming with anger. "I swear I didn't want to-" Harry tried to excuse himself, but your eyes were full of anger. "YOU FILTHY STUPID HALF-BLOOD IDIOT!!! YOU SHOULD BE EXPELLED!! YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS SHALL SUFFER LIKE DRACO IS SUFFERING RIGHT NOW!" You yelled in his face, not giving a damn about every pair of eyes on you. "I SWEAT TO GOD I'LL GET IT BACK FOR DRACO! THINGS WON'T BE THE SAME, DO YOU HEAR ME?! CALL ME YOUR ENEMY AS WELL, POTTER!" And with a swoosh, your hand connected with his left cheek, leaving a red mark.

First thing after you heard the news from Pansy, you went to teach Potter a lesson. It was time to visit him yourself, since he was your best friend. "He's waiting for you" Pansy said as she left the Hospital wing. You entered, being watched by Madam Pomfrey very closely.

"You didn't have to put that scene for me" you heard Draco laughing. "Oh, Draco, you're alright" you said, throwing your arms around his neck and hugging him. "Yeah, I'm good" he said, returning your hug. "Pansy told me everything and I'm speechless. You actually slapped Potter?" He asked and you nodded. "That's my girl" he smirked, rubbing my hand with his thumb. "I'm glad someone else than Parkinson came to visit me. She's too clingy, dear God" he said making you laugh. "Potter is a bitch" you said and he smiled. God, you missed his genuine smile. For the past weeks, he looked paler and ill, barely talking to you."I know he is".

"Why didn't you tell me about all that? You becoming a Death Eater and the Dark Lord job? I could have been by your side" you said, rubbing his pale cheek. "I didn't want anything bad happen to you. You're the only one I have here at Hogwarts. I don't want to lose you" he said, looking into your y/e/c eyes. "You won't lose me. I'll be by your side. Always" you said, kissing his forehead. You wanted to get up, but he held your arm. "Stay please?" "I don't think I can, Draco. I have got detention with Snape" you said sad. "For the slap?" He asked and you nodded. "You're taking too much for me. You could have been-" "A coward and not stand up for my best friend? Yeah, I could do what Parkinson did!" You fired at him. "I didn't mean to say that. You could've just let it be" he said. "You don't know me at all, Malfoy" and with that you left for the dungeons.

"Miss Y/L/N, visited Mr. Malfoy?" Snape inquired. "Yes, sir"
"No though task for you today, just talking" he said. "I think you're wondering why he didn't tell you about his job" you nodded in acknowledgment. "I'll start from the beginning: the day you weren't feeling that well, we brewed Amortentia potion in class. I asked him what he smelt and he said roses, vanilla and coconut. Does it seem familiar to you?" He asked. "Well, I'm using a perfume with roses, my hair smells like vanilla and my room always smells like coconut" you said. "Exactly. He then realised he was in love with you. This was last year. This year, he received the job from the Dark Lord and couldn't tell you. And he didn't want anyone except his two friends to know about it. I hope you can forgive Mr Malfoy's attempt of protecting you from the Dark Lord. You are dismissed" he said. You got up, still processing everything he said, then made your way back to the Hospital Wing.

"Visiting hours are over" Madam Pomfrey said. "I have to do something really quick" you said, going straight to his bed. "What did Snape put you through?" Draco asked, seeing my pale face. You didn't say anything, you just sat on his bed in front of him and kissed him. You kissed the boy you've been having a crush for over a year. He kissed you back, cupping the back of your neck and pulling you closer. Your lips melted perfectly with his thin ones while you pulled his hair slightly.

"He told you" he said, looking sad. "Yes, he did" "I wish I could told you that, but I was scared" he said. "I love you, Draco" you smiled, kissing his cheek. "Enough! Get out, get out" Madam Pomfrey said. "See you" you said, turning your back to him. "I love you, Y/N. Slap Potter for me again" Draco yelled behind you, making you giggle.

Hope you like it 💚

I've just read the chapter (Half Blood Prince book) with the duel between Draco and Harry in the bathroom, where Harry uses this spell and I couldn't help, but cry because of Draco omg. I can't wait to watch the movie because I'm sure I'll cry again, seeing him in that state and crying ... I mean he's put under a lot of pressure and I just want to hug him because he doesn't deserve that 🥺🥺🥺💚💚

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