Prefect business

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*Draco x reader*

"Come on, Y/N, play another song!" A few Hufflepuffs begged you to play a song on your guitar. "Alright...Let me think which song I didn't sing yet" you laughed. They were really fond of you and your guitar, they've never have a real star between them, studying at the same school as them. And you loved it. You loved people who lived your work and talent. You didn't like the fame or popularity. You just loved to make people happy.

"HEY! Go back to classes!" A loud voice echoed trough the hall. "What is it all about?" Malfoy asked. "Well...Y/N...she...she..." one of the kids shuttered. "I was playing a song in front of them. And it's lunch break, Draco" you said. "The break it's over. They need to go back to classes. You've been making students be late for classes with your shitty singing" he huffed. "She's not shitty! She's so good" "Do you want detention, kid?" Draco snapped at the black haired boy , who slowly left the crowd. "And I'll take this with me" he said, snatching the guitar from my hands. "If you want it back, you know where to find me. And it's Prefect Draco" he said, with nasty smirk plastered on his face. "I swear to Merlin I hate him so much" I said trough greeted teeth.

That evening, after your classes, you went to the Prefects dorms. Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Pansy Parkinson - how did that pug face got to be a perfect, Draco Malfoy. You knocked on the door. "Coming" then after 3 seconds, the door opened, and Draco's face lit up. "Oh it's you" he said, trying to be rude to me again. "Yeah me. I came for my guitar. I want it back" you said. "And I want to be Minister of Magic" he laughed, but you didn't. "Let me tell you what the thing is. You can take your guitar. Come on, take it" he gestured towards his desk. You took it with trembling hands, then you turned to the door, your hand on its knob. "You're allowed to leave if you're teaching me how to play it" you felt his hot breath on my neck. "I...what?" You shuttered. "You heard me. Teach me how to play it" he said in demanding tone, steeping away from me.

"Alright. But it will take at least 2 weeks to be able to perform a song" you warned him. "Then you'll come more often down here. And I shall keep this- he said pointing at the guitar- so that nothing seems suspicious" he said and you nodded. We started with the basic things, the time passed so quickly, that he had to accompany you to the Gryffindor tower, so you were out of trouble. "Tomorrow, same hour. Night" he said and left.

Next day after your classes and after dinner, you went again in the Prefects area, but this time you met Ron on the hallway. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" He inquired. "Malfoy confiscated my guitar so I came to take it back" you explained. "Do you need help?" His cheeks turned pink. "No, thank you. I can manage with that ferret" you laughter and waved him off. "Ferret, huh?" His cold voice echoed in your ear as his arm wrapped around your waist pulled you into his room. "Well, I had to shoved him off somehow" you protested. "Smart Gryffindor you are. Look, I want to learn how to play this song" he said, showing you a medium length parchment.

Your eyes sparkle every time I look in them

Your hair waving in the wind

You give me butterflies...

"It's a love song, isn't it?" You asked. "Yes, it is. I wrote it for the girl I'm in love with. And I need your help to perform it" he explained. "Alright. Let me think about a melody that would fit the lyrics. Meanwhile, you can exercise what I taught you last time" you said. "Bossy today" he smirked, but obeyed. I don't know who this girl is, but she's so damn lucky. I mean, Draco Malfoy, THE Draco Malfoy, prince of Slyterin, bloody rich git, write a love song? Be a softie? I didn't want to accept it, but I was jealous of this girl. I've always liked Draco in some way. He's handsome, smart, bad boy...

"Okay I think I found it. It will be a bit complicated, but she will adore it" you said, walking towards his bed where he's been practicing. You took the guitar out of his hands and placed the chord sheet in front of you. You began to sing the song, stopping at some passages because it didn't sound well, so you had to correct them. You were focusing on how well did the song sound, while Draco was focusing all his attention on you, the way your fingers moved on the griff, the way your lips moved while singing his lyrics, the way you frowned when something didn't sound right. He was so attracted to you, that he didn't hear the knocks that came at the door, until the person on the other side yelled his name.

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