"Mmm" he replied distractedly.

She smiled softly without looking up at him.

Could he?...Nah she must be mistaken..he would never..

She realised that he wasn't letting go of her though which was making the situation as awkward as it was magical. But there was something she wanted to do that she could not resist. She gave in. She raised her hand to his pocket, grabbed the tickets and moved quickly out of his grasp.

"Hey!" He complained as he came out of whatever trance he had gone into.

"Hi" she taunted as she ran with the tickets outside the gate and he ran after her.

"Wait. How are we gonna get there?" She stopped suddenly to ask him.

He caught up to her.

"Cheater!" He accused laughing. "I am willing to tell you but on one condition" he smirked.

There. Normal...it was all in her head..

She held up the tickets to him and smiled innocently.

He scowled. "Nevermind, you hold on to them. I have a car parked at the end of the road."

"Oh cool! You thought of everything." She replied impressed as she held on to the tickets.

"Of course. It's me, afterall." He shrugged proudly.

"Aren't you scared I can figure out who you are by running your car's number plate to find out the owner?"

"Oh no! You could! My secret will soon be out. What am I going to do??" He faked gasping.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "You took care of that too." She stated.

He laughed as he nodded. "It's a rental."


He laughed. "When you said I thought of everything, you were right." He winked at her.

She gulped. A reaction that went unnoticed by him as she replied, "Such a drama queen. Don't you want to do like a little hair flip?" She flipped her hair dramatically for effect.

"Oh, I'm the drama queen?" He raised his eyebrows at her. "Does this sound familiar?" He continued in a sassy girly voice, "If it were up to me, I'd break a champagne bottle on his head!"

She burst into laughter. "That was good. That was so good!" She exclaimed. "Do it again!"


"Please! you were so good." She pleaded.

"No! It won't come out as great. There's the car." He said trying to distract her.

She noticed what he did but decided to circle back to the topic because the car looked kinda intimidating "Is that a rich people car?"

"It's a Mercedes." He laughed. "Make of it what you will."

"Ah. So rich people car then. Cool. You didn't have to. But cool." She shrugged.

He chuckled. "Don't think so much. The car is more for me than for you. I'm very passionate about cars."

"Ah okay. That's nice." She said, not having anything to say. It was a relief that he did not get the car for her though because though it would have been a sweet gesture, she didn't want his extra money and status to become a factor in their friendship. That and the fact that she didn't understand the first thing about cars nor why most men were so fascinated by them.

"I'm guessing you don't understand cars?"

"How did you guess?" She asked coming out of her thoughts surprised by his remark.

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