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"Not at all, it's their job to be the escort. Not to have a conversation." You frowned your eyebrows in disagreement, you knew Daisuke was like this from the start, but you had started to gain some hope that time you both were going in his private jet where he acknowledged his workers hard work. But all that just went down the drain. If you couldn't even glance at men by accident, you might as well ask for a blindfold; but if you really thought about it, Daisuke was a man of experience — if you really did ask that, he would take it the wrong way.

"Mr Suzuki, before we greet Ms Iwata, your father has been waiting for you for some time." Daisuke stopped his movements making you stop and you can only imagine what he felt. He turned his head to the young escort and behind him was the man of the hour, his once so called father.

You raised both your eyebrows thinking Daisuke was going to hide you like last time, you glanced up at Daisuke who was glaring at the man keeping you still. The escort stepped to the side looking at the two powerful men having a stare down with each other. "I'm not here for you Daisuke, I'm here for her." He took a step closer making Daisuke turn his body to his father making you face away from the chairman. "What do you want with her?" He demanded as the assistant behind the chairman witnessed and knew what came out his mouth sweating like crazy hoping this wouldn't get violent. The assistant didn't tell the chairman about the incident with what happened with Assistant Nobu. His own son had changed so drastically over a mere women, he glanced at you looking nervous yourself. Maybe you were being held against your own will is what he thought, and maybe, just maybe the chairman could help you in some way. And that mere woman was you who was now in clear sight, the women Daisuke wanted to hide and kept away. You were an average looking women, there was nothing about you that had a man begging on their knees for you. He glanced at Daisuke who glared at his father, yet — you still managed to have a CEO and future chairman on his knees for you. Everyone knew what kind of man Daisuke was, his eyes lowered to your waist seeing Daisuke gloveless. A man that didn't like to be touched by anyone, or touch anyone. It was clear you didn't bribe him or pay him to do the things he did, all his actions were all willingly done by him. You didn't look like you came from a wealthy family either, you looked like the average commoner girl. And yet again, you managed to make a man change his ways; a man that everyone thought was paranoid to be touched, was now a man touching the girl he holds ever so dearly.

"Oh, it's rather simple." He snapped his fingers as that was the assistants que to bring up a case, he stood in front of Daisuke opening the case filled with money. "You leave my son, and this is all for you." Daisuke growled startling the assistant. "Of course, this won't be all. There's more." Four other man came with brief cases opening them revealing more money that it's clear it's retirement for life. "This is ridiculous!-"

"It's up to her, take the money and leave," he paused examining your expression, you were tempted; this was the chance of a lifetime. Your hand twitched as if you body was answering for you to take the money, leave the country, find your brother, start somewhere fresh. The chairman smirked knowing he was getting somewhere. "Not only this, But you have my word of protection. You, your friends and loved one will be protected from anyone," he paused again looking at Daisuke who clenched his fist tightly. "And I mean absolutely anyone." In the corner of Daisuke's eye, he saw your [S/C] hands reaching for one of the brief cases. Out of anger he slapped the brief case out of the assistants hands as money flew out almost making the assistant fall but quickly tried to get all the money but most of it flew away.

"This is Outrageous! Bribing her with money!? She loves me and I love her! She wouldn't leave me for anything," He shouted startling you and the rest of the men who held a brief case, and even the chairman that for the the first time in all of Daisuke's life. He's raised his voice in front of his father. "Don't ever come near her again, I am the only one who can protect her, not you, not your men, no one." He undid his arm around your waist grabbing your wrist as the escort knew this was the time to leave, and he was grateful for it. Daisuke followed the escort leading them to a waiting area for Ms Iwata, it was a little building giving shade having a white circle table with four chairs.

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