"I hope you realize he isn't good." She says as I close the door.



I knock on Clyde's door. But it's already open. I shouldn't. But I do. I hear the water from the shower on. And see slight steam.

"Clyde." I speak. I don't think he heard me. He's been ignoring me and the only way to really talk to him is forcefully. I sit myself on his messy bed. I ignore how messy the room is. It's time for his practice yet he is going to be late or probably not even show. Formal is in a little over a week. Now I can't go. Stay in all night with a quiet campus doesn't sound fun at all.

I can't help but start picking up his clothes. And organizing the way too messy room. His books and homework are open , half way done, or just blank. I try to ignore the smell of weed but I can't. I fold his shirts neatly and doze off into my own world as I place them in their designated spots. Before feeling something crinkling. Pros sky a wrapper. I pull the thing out but it's not a wrapper.

I stare at the small bag with two pills in it.


I snoop further but there's nothing else. Quickly pressing my back against the dressers as he suddenly appears with a towel around his neck and only shorts on.

He looks at his open door and closes it before looking at me.

"You had your door open." I point out.

"And you just came in?" He doesn't even look himself. Clear dark circles and his body looks paler.

"I cleaned up." I brighten the gloomy mood. Isaac's words keep coming to my head. Even my mothers.

"Why are you going through my stuff." His voice makes me flinch. His eyes are darker then normal.

"I'm not."

"What's in your hand."

"Nothing." I grip the bag tighter.



He just walks up to me. I gulp. For the first time scared of him as he places his hand around mine. I bite my lip as he takes the bag from my hand and throws it onto his bed.

"Get out." I step away as he grabs his shirt. I quickly take the bag again and stuff it in my bra. Ow I should've be adjusted it.

"Isaac talked to me." I notice how his muscles tense.

Yet he ignores me.

"He said he owed you money."

Ignored again.

"For drugs." That catches his attention. He turns to face me while pulling a black shirt
over him.

"When was this."

"Today. Since you're ignoring everyone. Also I can't go to formal because my moms has figured out we're breaking rules. And sneaking around. And she says you have history."

"What history would I fucking have." He speaks with no emotion other then annoyance.

"I don't know. since you don't tell me anything." I pressure.

"What do you want to know?"

"Why you're hiding in this disgusting place? Why you look like shit? How you ended up here? And why you're being so cold."

"I'm not obligated to tell you anything."

"Why not."

"Because you're just a fling. Pure entertainment. If you truly think you're some girl I'll lay all my life too then you must be crazy."


That's what Isaac said too.

I feel my eyes burn and my heart hurt. I don't want to cry.

"Is that all I mean to you?" My tears fall and he shrugs.

My heart breaks as he doesn't care.

"Will you at least stop doing what you're up to. I don't want you getting in trouble any further. Please?"

Even if I want to slap him right now. I don't wish bad on him. I don't know what he's up to.



"I promise." He assures.

And like that I walk out. My tears spilling until I get to my dorm.

Such an idiot.

• • •

author note: you guys will see she's his only thing he basically holds onto later on. she will endure a lot. because he's mentally not in the right place. hope you guys are enjoying! I'll try updating as much as I can.

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