Prolouge/ CHAPTER 1

Start from the beginning

I was sitting in my class about to fall asleep and I started to hear this familiar noise outside in the hallways. The sound of people getting beat up. I wasn't too interested to see what was going on and my teacher is strict he would've slapped me if I walked out.

I see blonde hair through the window. I saw this shorter blonde guy and tall guy with a tattoo on the side of his temple. "Who are they?" I whisper to myself.

Class gets dismissed I find Hina waiting in-front of my classroom.

We both started walking to change our shoes and we see Takemitchi talking to those two boys I saw earlier.

Suddenly I see Hina speeding forward and I follow right behind her.

I hear takemitchi frightened yelling out "HINA?"

Now we are awkwardly standing in-front of the long blonde haired boy. Hina raises her hand and slaps him in the face.

"Oh my" I say proudly having no idea what just happened. But this duo seemed familiar to me.

The boy stopped smiling and was looking to the side.
The taller bald looking guy gets angry and Takemitchi is about to pass out.

I realized our situation, I realized that these boys are delinquents.

I've heard about a short blonde kid before accompanied by a guy with a dragon tattoo on his temple.

Tokyo Manji Gang.

I grab Hina and force her to follow me.

Hina refuses and turns to Takemitchi
"You mustn't do what these people want"

She grabs Takemitchi and starts walking. She whispers and says "I'll protect you".

The bald guy known as the famous Ken "Draken" Ryuguji grabs on to her tightly and says "Where the fuck do you think you're going?".

At that point my blood started boiling. How dare these punks show up to our school and touch Hina?

Takemitchi threatens the guy and says "Let go of her fucking hand, asshole!".

Draken gets even more pissed and says "Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? huh?".

I have had it. I don't fight at school but I had to make an exception.

I step forward, I push Hina and Takemitchi away and look him straight into his eyes.

He is much taller than me so I am not really too intimidating. "Leave them alone or you'll be dealing with me."

Baldy stares into my soul and says while his vein is about to pop out from his forehead "don't make me laugh shrimp".

He lets go of the intense stare. The other shorter guy known as Manjiro "Mikey" Sano steps forward and says. "Ahhh Takemitchi now I thought we could be friends, but you and your friends aren't really having it today are ya?."

"I'm going to kill you." He said with a sharp look.

I am frozen in place, before my legs could move he stops his fist centimeters away from takemitchi face and says I'm just kidding! "You're so dumb Takemitchy."

Everyone was relieved.

They started talking to Takemitchi and praising him for his actions and mentioning how many guys these days wouldn't stand up for a girl.

I did not pay attention to anything being said because my thoughts were getting the best of me. What is going on? How does Takemitchi-kun know them? They're crazy famous!

Takemitchi was glad. The shorter guy mentioned "like I would ever hit a girl" and he starred at me with this soft look.

For some reason I couldn't take my eyes off of Mikey. He was intriguing but I brushed my thoughts off.

Mikey comes up to me, 5 inches away from my face.
"You're so badass". He said with a playful tone.

"T-Thank you Mikey" I said very nervously.

He was a bit taller than me and his presence made my knees shake.

Draken came behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Sorry for back there, I was putting up an act to test Takemitchi."

"Oh it's fine I'm sorry too." I said more comfortably standing up taller.

"You're Yuta Emiko the 'delinquent princess'." Draken said .

I was put on the spot, I was shocked. They know me?

"Yes. But that nickname is silly haha." I said trying to act normal. You guys are Captain and Vice Captain of the Tokyo Manji Gang.

I always admired Toman but I have never seen the leaders in person until today.

"Yes we are Emi" said Mikey with no hesitation, already giving me a nickname.

Hina comes up to me noticing the tension and whispers in my ear "I'll leave you be."

I looked back to tell her I'm coming with her but she already disappeared leaving me and takemitchi.

Mikey comes up to me, putting his right hand on my waist and his mouth centimeters away from my ear and says "I like you". His warm breathe touching the left side of my face. I could smell his cologne. My heartbeat sped up faster than a cheetah.

My cheeks instantly turn red and I look away.

What does he mean?
Like me?
We just met! What is he talking about?
Like me as a friend? Orrrrr more as a friend???

-- End of chapter 1 --

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