L'manburg? (5)

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Currently learning 21st Century Literature and taking notes fast is really helpful. For students who are also studying, I recommend taking 2 or 3 notebooks only. 1 for taking fast notes, 1 for proper notes (rearrangement or notes) and 1 (optional) for answered questions of teachers or helpful notes that the teacher has thought without a power point presentation or you can put your schedule for tests and lessons. It's only a recommendation so you may now enjoy chapter 5.

I was planning on finishing it on the 10th chapter so the readers may read it fast but the story will remain on the walking plot. Enjoy!!


(Y/n's POV)

I woke up in a very cold place. I adjusted my sight and the place doesn't seem familiar to me. Concrete wall. Signs. One way door. A button. As I was observing the place, there comes the memories. Explosion. 11 stacks of tnt. Wilbur. Philza. Shit. I quickly stood up and as I was about to leave, there I saw the one and only. Wilbur Soot. "Excuse me, may I know why Prince/Princess/Royal Y/n is doing at a dangerous place like this?" He asked as he grabbed my hand and kissed it. "A dangerous place that has-" "11 stacks of tnt ready to to be ignited." He was shocked. He didn't expect to for me to know it.

He sighed. "Y/n, I've been waiting for this. Do you know-" "How much you love L'manburg that you want to get rid of it as it's your unfinished symphony and the others might permanently steal it from you so that's the only choice?" He was dead shock. Thankfully that Tubbo gave me this type of details. I walked closer to him and gave him a warm hug. He returned the hug but I pulled out from the hug. I took his arm and walked out of the room knowing that he might press the button. 'I need more time to look at everyone before I wake up.'

As we were walking down the wooden path, Dream and Technoblade were there. They looked at us and seemed surprised to see me. "Princess/Prince/Royal Y/n," they both kneeled down. "Do you need anything from us?" Techno asked. I looked at them with a confused look but then I looked at what I was wearing. 'Not bad.'. I was wearing a royalty gown/suit with a bracelet. It's a different one. I inspected it trying to see what was it. "Tracker. It's a tracker Y/n." Wilbur said. I took the crown from my head and also inspected it but looked at Technoblade in the eyes. "11 stacks." I said with a nod. Just as I said that, I saw Tommy and the others in full netherite armor. "War." The word war fell off my mouth without thinking. "Technoblade? Will? What are you guys doing with Dream and Princess/Prince/Royal Y/n?" As Tommy said it, Dream held my hand and walked away from them. 'Betrayal.' The explosion is coming closer as thought. 

Just as we saw the others on sight, Dream pulled me to an alleyway. My guts are telling me to go away but I couldn't just say no to Dream. He matters to me a lot even in irl. He stopped walking. He looked at me which gives me creepy vibes. I shivered a little from the chills. He pinned me to the wall and took both of my hands. He sensed the fear that I was holding so he planted a small kiss on my forehead. (the mask was only covering his eyes and nose.) It made me smile somehow. He slowly led both my hands to the strap of his mask. I'm very concerned about his privacy but he gave me a light nod. I removed the lock to the strap and took the mask but looked down. I could hear him chuckle. "Come on Y/n, just look up." He said while laughing lightly. I took a big sigh and looked up. [BTW I'M AWARE THAT THIS IS A WILBUR X READER BUT BRO, I WANT TO MAKE A DREAM ENDING. ANYWAYS, THIS IS ONLY A DREAM]

It took my breath away. He was...... unexplainably attractive. "You can take a picture, so you can always look at me every time you wake up." He joked while wheezing. "I hate you." "Oh come on now, you know you love me~" "shut it," I said as I put his mask back to his face. "Let's go back to the others." He smiled behind the mask while fixing the lock of the strap.  'Is Wilbur and the others alright in my real universe?' As I was lost in thought, I saw the others and decided to wave at them. They saw me and instead of waving back, they all bowed.  I was very confused but Purpled asked, "Princess/Prince/Royal Y/n, as much as we respect you dearly, shouldn't you be in the kingdom?" 'Kingdom? ohhhhh gotcha. Princess/Prince/Royal Y/n is the SMP's royalty.' "I don't think so, Please pass me a sword, I'm planning something for myself." I told them. Sapnap handed me a diamond sword and I walked off to where Schlatt should be. 'Time to talk this out.'

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