•Part 6•

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Welcome back to another chapter!
Some triggers: Blood and blood mentions, mentions of a characters death, gore description.
Also a slight mention of an insect if your terrified of bugs like me🙁
Anyway, enjoy! Its an extremely short chapter but i enjoyed writing it:)

You both ran, hand in hand and faster than you believed your legs were capable of carrying you. The air that was once humid was suddenly cold as it whacked painfully off your skin but you weren't bothered to care. Your chest heaved with each inhale , the oxygen stinging your lungs. For a quick second you thought if you ran any faster, took in a little bit more air, you might just suffocate. You forgot about everything around you, besides Ziggy. She was the only thing on your mind. You were almost convinced Tommy would stop killing more individuals once he seen Jermey's fearful face, but he didn't. He killed Gary, murdered him in the sight of his girlfriends younger sibling and her horrified partner. This only led you to settle on the worse case scenario, if Tommy could do something so gruesome, he wouldn't hesitate to do the very same to not just you, but Ziggy.
You felt the force of the redheads hand spin you around, glancing backwards to assure yourself the cold blooded killer wasn't on your tail.
You let out a small over whelmed whimper, the fear and panic rushing through your veins. You wanted to live, you wanted to live for your future that certainly had potential , for Ziggy.
This thought gave you the motivation to turn on your heels, sprint away from the nightmare surrounding you.
You felt your face slam against a tensed up Nick, shaking yourself off as you let your mind process this encounter.
"What are you doing !" He scolded, a look of concern and slight anger drawn across his face. His once rosy complexion was now pale, his eyes sunk into the back of his head as though he just seen a ghost.
"He's here!" You stuttered, your hands shaking as you pleaded for him to understand, begging him.
He eyed the pair of you, blood dripping rapidly from your shoulder as the wound remained open. Ziggy had blood belonging to the deceased counsellor dotted across the side of her face as she breathed heavily.
"Come on!" The boy beckoned, taking a gentle hold of both your hands and making a leaping run across the campus.
You didn't even pause before bursting your way through the wooden entrance of the 'Science & Nature' cabin, your elbow aching from the force alone. Nick and Ziggy followed close behind , shutting the door together. All three of you panted loudly, skidding on your knees behind one of the longest desks there. You were silently begging, pleading with every bit of energy you had left that this shit was all a nightmare and you would wake up and giggle all this off. Unfortunately your efforts went to waste as the moment just kept getting longer. Each passing second was agony, the silence giving you a headache as you strained your focus to the outdoor world.
"Did we lose him?" Ziggy questioned, her voice still shaking slightly.
Nick gulped down the fact that he didn't know the answer, eyeing her down for injuries.
"I don't know. Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
You felt a hint of jealousy rip through your heart, but the emotion quickly withered away  when he placed his hand gently on your shoulder.
Ziggy held out her t-shirt, noticing his attention was drawn to the blood stains on it like a magnet.
"It's not my blood..."
"It's Gary's." You finished for her, your heart aching as the scene replayed traumatically in your head.
You saw the hurt in the boys eyes, his posture turning into a miserable sulk as he tried his hardest to throw on a brave face.
"Your shoulder." He murmured.
Shit. You almost forgot you were still losing blood, the wound lying vulnerable to infection as fluid gushed from it.
You tried to choke out a suitable reply, but none matched the current circumstances.
"What and you don't think we'll ask about the fucking blood on your t-shirt?" You snapped, almost humiliated by the fact you seemed like the defeated one now. You've been injured so game over. Your on the bench, and your helpless.
"It's uh. Sean , Jesse, Rod, Stacey."
Both you and Ziggy looked straight past him, sending one another troubled looks as it hit you, the realisation of it all drilling through your mind.
"It's Shadysiders. It's the curse."
Nick scoffed at this concept, a slight smirk creeping upon his face,
"No. It's just some psycho."
You felt your heart shatter, a feeling of betrayal brewing in the very pit of your stomach. Everything that happened in the past hour, everything you witnessed felt so pointless now. You should have known. He's just a Sunnyvale piece of shit.
"No! It's not some psycho. It's Tommy." Ziggy snapped, wincing at the image of the murderer lingering in her mind.
"Cindy Bergman's perfect boring boyfriend. He might have been a priss but he was the furthest thing from a killer."You added, growing defensive, "She did this."
"Cindy?" He questioned, furrowing his brows a bit.
You wanted to slap your palm harshly against your head, a part of you trying to believe he wasn't this stupid.
"The witch." Ziggy corrected.
"That's not real, you guys." He groaned, eyeing you both almost like you had 10 heads.
"That's exactly what a Sunnyvaler would say. I thought you were different."
You nodded your head, agreeing with her statement, "We both did."
Before more words could be spoken, the familiar sound of the bell began to ring, notifying you that the bus has arrived.
You would have thought this was a good thing, but once you heard the bell your heart sank. Cindy and Alice. They were depending on you and Ziggy to recuse them, save their asses from the axe murderer who was casually strutting about camp right about now. You knew if you left, leaving them stranded down there like bait, guilt would eat away at your insides. God you wanted to run, get on that bus and live but you couldn't, that wasn't an option.
"They're getting on the bus. We gotta go, right now."
You watched in fear as he stood to his feet, grabbing both of your arms and forcing you upwards.
"My sister, she's still out there!" Ziggy stammered, reluctant to stand up.
"Ziggy, I've let a lot of people die tonight. Not you, I'm not letting you die."
It was becoming too much, at this point you couldn't help but think Nick was in love with Ziggy, almost as much as you were.
"Disgusting." You groaned under your breathe, completely out of hearing range.
You watched as he inhaled dramatically, his cheeks going scarlet as he continued, "Because uh yeah, I like being friends with the two weird kids from Shadyside and I was thinking uh, maybe once we get out of this we could all start a book club or something? Stephen Kings new one is meant to be good I hear."
Your face of disgust quickly turned into a small smirk, your gut hoping that he meant that, hoping that he truly meant just friends, that you really will get out of this.
"I'm done with King. Judy Blume for me from now on, right Y/n?" Ziggy whispered gently.
You nodded towards Nick , his contagious smile crawling across your face.
"Yeah. Judy Blume sounds uh, perfect."
The silence began to grow, but it wasn't an awkward silence, it was a silence that seemed to be so peaceful. It seemed happy. Like all the worries of today just began to shrivel up into a dry mess.
Yet despite this, you knew that this wasn't over. The killer was still out there, Tommy was still out there.
"Nick, you believe us right? About the curse?" You questioned, pretty guilty about ruining the perfect moment.
"Yeah of course, I am different. Now come on we gotta get out of here, as soon as we do we'll call the cops your sisters gonna be alright."
A loud pounding on the door stopped Nicks plan in its tracks, making you all freeze in fear. You clutched Ziggys hand, rising to your feet and peering out above the transparent container used for mainly creatures of interest.
Time seemed to stop for a quick second, the atmosphere becoming tense as dread washed over you, awaiting the worse and eventually, it came.
Glass came crashing to the ground, sourced from the small cabin window. Your eyes went wide, as your knees began to buckle from underneath you. A large hand reached through the wide hole , feeling around for any sign of a door handle.
"What the fuck is this." You whispered, your voice shaky and quiet as you spoke.
You assured yourself that both Nick and Ziggy locked the door, so he had no way in, right? He was stuck and you were safe.
I guess he must have been pretty desperate to prove you wrong, the door lock sliding across the wall in his grip before the doorway became clear and he barged inside.
Ziggy grabbed your hand , forcing you to collapse to the ground with a silent thud.
You became aware of each and every sound, the small blue bottle fly buzzing quietly about the room, Tommy's loud pants echoing in the small area.
If anything, you assumed your heavy breathing
would give all of you away, but you couldn't control it. You were so scared, anxious.
Ziggy nudged your arm carefully, a small tear sliding around on her bottom eyelid as she faced you.
"I love you so much." She mouthed, making you realise the reality of the situation. You were gonna die. You were all gonna die.
"Asshole." You whispered through a chuckle, both of you knowing you truly didn't mean it. You loved her, and you were miserable about the fact you never got to show her off in public. How you would never have that picnic you guys have been planning since camp begun. It was too late now, far too late.

Ziggy x Femme reader! ❝𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟖❞Where stories live. Discover now